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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1990, wydanie I

cena netto: 80.00 Twoja cena  76,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Thinking is a skill; it can be developed and improved if one knows how - Edward de Bono

This book, which is now internationally known and also a bestseller, is a textbook of creativity. It shows how the habit of lateral thinking can be encouraged and new ideas generated. The author has worked out special techniques for doing this, in groups or alone, and the result is a triumph of entertaining education.

A very useful book ... Dr de Bono does not claim to be able to turn us all into Miltons, da Vincis and Einsteins ... but his techniques provide an alternative to just sitting around waiting for the Muse to appear- The Times Educational Supplement

256 pages

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