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wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2006, wydanie I

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Todays best marketers recognize the central importance of metrics, measurement, and accountability. But few marketers recognize the extraordinary range of metrics now available for evaluating their strategies and tactics. In 50 Metrics Every Marketer Must Know, four leading researchers and consultants systematically introduce todays most powerful marketing metrics. The authors show how to use a dashboard of metrics to view market dynamics from various perspectives, maximize accuracy, and triangulate to optimal solutions. Their comprehensive coverage includes measurements of promotional strategy, advertising, and distribution; customer perceptions; market share; competitors power; margins and profits; products and portfolios; customer profitability; sales forces and channels; pricing strategies; and more. Youll learn how and when to apply each metric, and understand tradeoffs and nuances that are critical to using them successfully. The authors also demonstrate how to use marketing metrics as leading indicators, identifying crucial new opportunities and challenges. For clarity and simplicity, they avoid advanced arithmetic: all calculations can be performed by hand, or with basic spreadsheet techniques. In coming years, few marketers will rise to senior executive levels without deep fluency in marketing metrics. This book is the fastest, easiest way to gain that fluency and stand out from the crowd in an ever more challenging environment.

Table of Contents

Acknowledgments xi
About the Authors xiii
Foreword xv
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Share of Hearts, Minds, and Markets
Chapter 3: Margins and Profits
Chapter 4: Product and Portfolio Management
Chapter 5: Customer Profitability
Chapter 6: Sales Force and Channel Management
Chapter 7: Pricing Strategy
Chapter 8: Promotion
Chapter 9: Advertising Media and Web Metrics
Chapter 10: Marketing and Finance
Chapter 11: The Marketing Metrics X-Ray


Paul W. Farris is Landmark Communications Professor and Professor of Marketing at The Darden Graduate Business School, University of Virginia, where he has taught since 1980. Professor Farris research has produced award-winning articles on retail power and measurement of advertising effects. He has published many marketing articles in publications such as the Harvard Business Review, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and Marketing Science. Farris is currently working on methods for integrating and improving marketing metrics. He is author or co-author of several books, including Advertising Budgeting: A Report from the Field. Farris consulting clients range from Procter and Gamble, to Apple and IBM. Before moving to Virginia, he taught marketing at the Harvard Business School and also has worked in product management for Unilever, Germany and account management for the LINTAS advertising agency. He is a current and past board member for several U.S and international companies.

Neil T. Bendle is a Ph.D. student in marketing at the Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota. He holds an MBA from Darden, and has nearly a decades experience in marketing management, consulting, business systems improvement, and financial management. Bendle was responsible for measuring the success of marketing campaigns for the UKs Labour Party.

Phillip E. Pfeifer, Alumni Research Professor of Business Administration at The Darden Graduate Business School, currently specializes in interactive marketing. He has published a popular MBA textbook and over 25 refereed articles in journals such as the Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal of Database Marketing, Decision Sciences, and the Journal of Forecasting. Pfeifer was recognized in 2004 as the Darden Schools faculty leader in external case sales. His teaching has won student awards and been recognized inBusiness Weeks Guide to the Best Business Schools. His recent clients include Circuit City, Procter and Gamble, and CarMax.

David J. Reibstein is the William Stewart Woodside Professor and Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School. His research focuses on marketing metrics and their link to financial consequences, competitive marketing strategy, market segmentation, brand choice, and product line breadth. He has been published in every major marketing journal and has authored or co-authored numerous books. He served as the Executive Director of the Marketing Sciences Institute, and co-founded Whartons CMO Summit. Reibstein architected and teaches the Wharton Executive Education course on marketing metrics. He consults with leading businesses, including GE, Shell Oil, HP, Novartis, Johnson and Johnson, Merck, and Major League Baseball. He has served as Vice Dean and Director of Whartons Graduate Division, as visiting professor at Stanford and INSEAD, and as faculty member at Harvard. Reibstein was the co founder of Shopzilla, one of the first product search engines, and serves on several corporate boards.

389 pages

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