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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2006, wydanie VI

cena netto: 260.00 Twoja cena  247,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The emphasis of Managerial Accounting 6e is on teaching students to use accounting information to best manage an organization. In a practice Hilton pioneered in the first edition, each chapter is written around a realistic business or focus company that guides the reader through the topics of that chapter. Known for balanced examples of Service, Retail, Nonprofit and Manufacturing companies, Hilton offers a clear, engaging writing style that has been praised by instructors and students alike. As in previous editions, there is significant coverage of contemporary topics such as activity-based costing, target costing, the value chain, customer profitability analysis, and throughput costing while also including traditional topics such as job-order costing, budgeting and performance evaluation.

Key Features   

The End of Chapter material has been dramatically changed and or updated with almost all new variables in the EOC problems. This will aid student understanding and give instructors more options in assigning problem material.

14 of the 18 chapters now include much-praised Focus on Ethics segments, which pose ethical dilemmas or discuss ethical issues and then ask the student for his or her opinion about the issue. Some of these are based on issues reported in the press; others are based on well-established anecdotal evidence.

New coverage of environmental cost managementa hot, new topic in the field.

n response to reviewer feedback Hilton now has expanded coverage of the Balanced Scorecard. Based on reviewer feedback, the author has added more coverage in chapters 1 and 10.

Chapter 16 now covers capital budgeting, and is formally divided into three modular sections to help instructors tailor the coverage to their own course: Section I: Discounted Cash Flow Analysis, Section II: Income Taxes and Capital Budgeting, Section III: Alternative Methods for Making Investment Decisions.

Select challenging topics found in each chapter are more fully explored and illustrated by the Topic Tackler software tutorial. Selected topics are highlighted in the text with a logo. Topic Tackler provides a step-by-step sequence of video, PowerPoint slides, interactive practice exercises and self tests to develop difficult text topics. The tutorial is on the Student CD.

Management Accountants: In Their Own Words  This feature incorporates actual quotes from practicing managerial accountants. This serves as a friendly, informal teaching device designed to show students how the field is changing and highlight the accountant s role in companies cross-functional management teams.

Enhanced  Proactive  Managerial Focus  In Chapter One,which Hilton redefines the role of the managerial accountant as an important strategic partner in an organization s management team.

Focus Companies   One of the hallmark features of Hiltons  Managerial Accounting  is its pioneering of the focus company approach. By using focus companies to illustrate concepts, students immediately see the importance of the material and become excited about the content. Each chapter is written around a realistic business that introduces the reader to the topics of that chapter. This feature conveys the importance of managerial accounting and stimulates students interest (The one exception is Disney, a real company, in chapter one). Each chapter is written as a self-contained unit to allow instructors maximum flexibility in topic sequencing.

The balanced presentation of Service, Retail, Nonprofit, and Manufacturing examples will remain. Of the focus companies used, 11 are set in the manufacturing sector, 7 involve service industry firms, 3 are retail companies, and 3 involve nonprofit or governmental settings. Four of these companies are dot.com enterprises. Front Endsheets list all the focus companies. There are also URLs for the real companies used in the chapters listed on back endsheets.

Table of Contents   

Chapter 1 The Changing Role of Managerial Accounting in a Dynamic Business Environment

Chapter 2 Basic Cost Management Concepts and Accounting for Mass Customization Operations

Chapter 3 Product Costing and Cost Accumulation in a Batch Production Environment

Chapter 3 Appendix Activity-Based Costing: An Introduction

Chapter 4 Process Costing and Hybrid Product-Costing Systems

Chapter 4 Appendix Process Costing in Sequential Production Departments

Chapter 5 Activity-Based Costing and Cost Management Systems

Chapter 6 Activity-Based Management and Today's Advanced Manufacturing Environment

Chapter 7 Activity Analysis, Cost Behavior, and Cost Estimation

Chapter 7 Appendix Finding the Least-Squares Regression Estimates

Chapter 8 Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis

Chapter 8 Appendix Effect of Income Taxes

Chapter 9 Profit Planning, Activity Based Budgeting, and e-Budgeting

Chapter 9 Appendix Inventory Management

Chapter 10 Standard Costing, Operational Performance Measures and the Balanced Scorecard

Chapter 10 Appendix Use of Standard Costs for Product Costing

Chapter 11 Flexible Budgeting and the Management of Overhead and Support Activity Costs

Chapter 11 Appendix A Standard Costs and Product Costing

Chapter 11 Appendix B Sales Variances

Chapter 12 Responsibility Accounting, Quality Control and Environmental Cost Management

Chapter 13 Investment Centers and Transfer Pricing

Chapter 14 Decision Making: Relevant Costs and Benefits

Chapter 14 Appendix Linear Programming

Chapter 15 Target Costing and Cost Analysis for Pricing Decisions

Chapter 16 Capital Expenditure Decisions

Chapter 16 Appendix A Future Value and Present Value Tables

Chapter 16 Appendix B Impact of Inflation

Chapter 17 Absorption, Variable and Throughput Costing

Chapter 17 Appendix Effect of the Volume Variance under Absorption and Variable Costing

Chapter 18 Allocation of Support Activity Costs and Joint Costs

Chapter 18 Appendix Reciprocal Services Method

Appendix I Compound Interest and the Concept of Present Value

Appendix II References for Management Accountants: In Their Own Words

890 pages +CD

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