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wydawnictwo: AUERBACH PUBLICATION , rok wydania 2005, wydanie II

cena netto: 290.00 Twoja cena  275,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Analyzes risk analysis, risk assessment, and vulnerability assessments
Introduces System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Business Process Life Cycle (BPLC), and integrates risk analysis and assessment into these processes
Discusses the need to develop a standard set of controls, and details how to apply regulations such as GLBA, HIPPA, SOX, ISO 17799, and others
Explains how to use qualitative risk assessment concepts and FRAAP to conduct business impact analyses and determine information classification requirements
Contains samples of forms, controls, policies, letters, and spreadsheets needed to complete the risk analysis and assessment processes

The risk management process supports executive decision-making, allowing managers and owners to perform their fiduciary responsibility of protecting the assets of their enterprises. This crucial process should not be a long, drawn-out affair. To be effective, it must be done quickly and efficiently.

Information Security Risk Analysis, Second Edition enables CIOs, CSOs, and MIS managers to understand when, why, and how risk assessments and analyses can be conducted effectively. This book discusses the principle of risk management and its three key elements: risk analysis, risk assessment, and vulnerability assessment. It examines the differences between quantitative and qualitative risk assessment, and details how various types of qualitative risk assessment can be applied to the assessment process. The text offers a thorough discussion of recent changes to FRAAP and the need to develop a pre-screening method for risk assessment and business impact analysis.

336 pages

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