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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2006, wydanie X

cena netto: 290.00 Twoja cena  275,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Larsen's Advanced Accounting provides complete and in-depth coverage of the topics typically taught in a one-or-two semester advanced accounting course, including partnerships, business combinations and consolidated financial statements. Faculty appreciate the current coverage of FASB and GASB regulations, the wealth of thorough end-of-chapter material, and the in-depth coverage in this shorter length Advanced text. Flexibility is provided by modularly designed parts, each self-contained, that allow instructors to cover only chapters that are appropriate for their class


Chapter One. Ethical Issues in Advanced Accounting

Chapter Two. Partnerships: Organization and Operation

Chapter Three. Partnership Liquidation and Incorporation; Joint Ventures

Chapter Four. Accounting for Branches; Combined Financial Statements

Chapter Five. Business Combinations

Chapter Six. Consolidated Financial Statements: On Date of Business Combination

Chapter Seven. Consolidated Financial Statements: Subsequent to Date of Business Combination

Chapter Eight. Consolidated Financial Statements: Intercompany Transactions

Chapter Nine. Consolidated Financial Statements: Income Taxes, Cash Flows, and Installment Acquisitions

Chapter Ten. Consolidated Financial Statements: Special Programs

Chapter Eleven. International Accounting Standards; Accounting for Foreign Currency Transactions

Chapter Twelve. Translation of Foreign Currency Financial Statements

Chapter Thirteen. Reporting for Components; Interim Reports; Reporting for SEC

Chapter Fourteen. Bankruptcy: Liquidation and Reorganization

Chapter Fifteen. Estates and Trusts

Chapter Sixteen. Nonprofit Organizations

Chapter Seventeen. Governmental Entities: General Fund

Chapter Eighteen. Governmental Entities: Other Governmental Funds and Account Groups

Chapter Nineteen. Governmental Entities: Proprietary Funds, Fiduciary Funds, and Comprehensive Annual Financial Report

Paperback, 830 pages

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