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wydawnictwo: HBS , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 78.00 Twoja cena  74,10 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Most of us will navigate at least one major career change in our lives. Not a simple "job hop," but a life-altering transition that will require us to abandon years of investment in a career path. It's an exhilarating, terrifying decision that will change not just what we do, but who we are. Whereas most career experts say we must begin with a careful assessment of our skills and interests to discover the perfect career match, Herminia Ibarra says that advice is backwards. Instead, knowing what we really want to do is the result of doing and experimenting. She argues that we harbor a whole cast of "possible selves" we might become. And it is by continuously testing these possible futures--not by examining our past--that we learn what and who we want to be. Drawing from in-depth research on managers and professionals in transition, Ibarra describes reinvention as an iterative process of trial and error. Through engrossing stories of successful career-changers--from a literature professor-turned-stockbroker to an investment banker-turned-novelist--she unveils a new model for change based on three "acts of reinvention": experimenting with new activities, interacting in new networks of people, and constantly reworking the story of our changing identities. Reinventing the act of reinvention itself, Working Identity dares the dreamer in each of us to craft a more fulfilling future.

Subjects Covered:
Career changes, Careers & career planning, Human behavior, Job satisfaction, Professionals, Psychology.

256 pages, Paperback

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