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wydawnictwo: MIT PRESS , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

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Asset Price Bubbles
The Implications for Monetary, Regulatory, and International Policies
Edited by William Curt Hunter, George G. Kaufman and Michael Pomerleano

In both the industrialized and developing worlds, a distinctive feature of the last two decades has been prolonged buildups and sharp collapses in asset markets such as stock, housing, and exchange markets. The volatility has sparked intense debate in academic and policy circles over the appropriate monetary and regulatory response to dramatic market shifts.

This book examines asset price bubbles to further our understanding of the causes and implications of financial instability, focusing on the potential of central banks and regulatory agencies to prevent it. The book grew out of a conference jointly sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago and the World Bank Group in April 2002.

William Curt Hunter is Dean of the School of Business at the University of Connecticut and former Senior Vice President and Director of Research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

George G. Kaufman is John F. Smith, Jr. Professor of Economics and Finance at Loyola University in Chicago and a consultant at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago.

Michael Pomerleano is Lead Financial Specialist in the Financial Sector Development Department of the World Bank Group.


"How should policymakers react to asset price movements that cannot be explained by standard models? To answer this question, it is not enough to identify a bubble and understand its origins. One needs also to predict the impact of monetary policy on an event that is by its nature difficult to explain. While comprehensive answers are scarce, this wonderful and comprehensive collection of readings marks an important step forward, and will provide plenty of food for thought and debate."
--Richard Brealey, London Business School

"It is dangerous to develop pricing theories without a knowledge of the history of asset prices and the role of institutions and policymakers in affecting them. This timely volume presents competing perspectives on the existence and consequences of bubbles in asset markets, and asks what, if anything, should be done about them. It will be of interest to financial economists as well as macroeconomists and policymakers."
--Michael Brennan, Professor Emeritus, University of California, Los Angeles

Acknowledgments    ix   
Preface    xi   
Overview    xiii   

I    Keynote Addresses        
1    Asset Price Bubbles, Information, and Public Policy
Randall S. Kroszner
Sample Chapter - Download PDF (69 KB)    3   
2    Asset Price Bubbles and Their Implications for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability
Jean-Claude Trichet    15   
3    Rational and Nonrational Bubbles
Allan H. Meltzer    23   
4    Diverse Views on Asset Bubbles
Robert J. Shiller    35   
5    Asset Prices and Monetary Policy
Michael Mussa    41   

II    Recent Experience with Asset Price Bubbles        
6    US Stock Market Crashes and Their Aftermath: Implications for Monetary Policy
Frederic S. Mishkin and Eugene N. White    53   
7    Japan's Experience with Asset Price Bubbles: Is It a Case for Inflation Targeting?
Kunio Okina and Shigenori Shiratsuka    81   
8    Lending Booms, Real Estate Bubbles, and the Asian Crisis
Charles Collyns and Abdelhak Senhadji    101   
9    Tropical Bubbles: Asset Prices in Latin America, 1980-2001
Santiago Herrera and Guillermo E. Perry    127   
10    Different Countries, Similar Experience
Takeo Hoshi    163   
11    Comments on Recent Experience with Asset Price Bubbles
Ignazio Visco    165   

III    Theory and History of Asset Price Bubbles        
12    Stocks as Money: Convenience Yield and the Tech-Stock Bubble
John H. Cochrane    175   
13    Bubble Psychology
Werner De Bondt    205   
14    Bubbles in Real Estate Markets
Richard Herring and Susan Wachter    217   
15    Comments on "Stocks as Money..." and "Bubble Psychology"
Robert S. Chirinko    231   
16    Comments on Theory and History of Asset Price Bubbles
Bertrand Renaud    239   

IV    Empirical Dimensions of Asset Price Bubbles        
17    Imbalances or "Bubbles?" Implications for Monetary and Financial Stability
Claudio Borio and Philip Lowe    247   
18    Testing for Stock Market Overvaluation/Undervaluation
Ellen R. McGrattan and Edward C. Prescott    271   
19    A Stochastic Index of the Cost of Life: An Application to Recent and Historical Asset Price Fluctuations
Michael F. Bryan, Stephen G. Cecchetti and Roisin O'Sullivan    277    
20    Comments on Empirical Dimensions of Asset Price Bubbles
Andrew J. Filardo    291   
21    Bubbles, Inflation, and the Big One: Comments on "A Stochastic Index of the Cost of Life..." and "Testing for Stock Market Overvaluation/Undervaluation"
Bruce Lehmann    299   

V    International Transmission of Financial Shocks        
22    Globalization and Changing Patterns in Crisis Transmission
Michael D. Bordo and Antu Panini Murshid    309   
23    Asset Price Bubbles and Stock Market Interlinkages
Franklin Allen and Douglas Gale    323   
24    Banking Policy and Macroeconomic Stability: An Exploration
Gerard Caprio, Jr. and Patrick Honohan    337   
25    A Global Perspective on Extreme Currency Linkages
Philipp Hartmann, Stefan Straetmans and Casper de Vries    361    
26    Comments: Shifting the Risk after Shifting the Focus
Anna J. Schwartz    383   

VI    Technology, the New Economy, and Asset Price Bubbles        
27    Valuation and New Economy Firms
Steven N. Kaplan    391   
28    Home Bias, Transactions Costs, and Prospects for the Euro
Catherine L. Mann and Ellen E. Meade    403   
29    Comments on "Valuation and New Economy Firms"
Lawrence Slifman    419   
VII    Implications of Bubbles for Monetary Policy        
30    Asset Prices in a Flexible Inflation Targeting Framework
Stephen G. Cecchetti, Hans Genberg and Sushil Wadhwani    427    
31    Interest Rate Policy Should Not React Directly to Asset Prices
Marvin Goodfriend    445   
32    Comments on Implications of Bubbles for Monetary Policy
Benjamin M. Friedman    459   

VIII    Implications of Bubbles for Prudential Regulatory Policy        
33    The Historical Pattern of Economic Cycles and Their Interaction with Asset Prices and Financial Regulation
Charles A. E. Goodhart    467   
34    Asset Price Bubbles and Prudential Regulation
Jeffrey Carmichael and Neil Esho    481   
35    The Morning After: Restructuring in the Aftermath of an Asset Bubble
Michael Pomerleano    503   
36    Comments on "The Historical Pattern of Economic Cycles and Their Interaction with Asset Prices and Financial Regulation"
Joaquim Levy    517   
37    Comments on "Asset Price Bubbles and Prudential Regulation"
Ramon Moreno    523   
38    Comments on "The Morning After..."
Eric S. Rosengren    529   

IX    Looking Forward: Plans for Action to Protect against Bubbles        
39    Banking Provisions and Asset Price Bubbles
Jaime Caruana    537   
40    Looking Forward on Monetary and Supervision Policies to Protect against Bubbles
Takatoshi Ito    547   
41    Planning to Protect against Asset Bubbles
Vincent R. Reinhart    553   
Conference Program    561   

607 pp., 86 illus. Paperback

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