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wydawnictwo: CHAPMAN & HALL/CRC , rok wydania 2000, wydanie II

cena netto: 415.00 Twoja cena  394,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Provides simple solutions to location estimation, optimal forecasting, model fitting, regression, analysis of variance, goodness-of-fit tests, and detection of long memory
Helps in the prevention of erroneous conclusions that may stem from ignoring the existence and/or effect of slowly slowly decaying correlations
Provides data sets and practical solutions on how to handle them
Promotes a better understanding of phenomena such as the occurrence of local trends, local cycles, and power spectra in many time series

Statistical Methods for Long Term Memory Processes covers the diverse statistical methods and applications for data with long-range dependence. Presenting material that previously appeared only in journals, the author provides a concise and effective overview of probabilistic foundations, statistical methods, and applications. The material emphasizes basic principles and practical applications and provides an integrated perspective of both theory and practice. This book explores data sets from a wide range of disciplines, such as hydrology, climatology, telecommunications engineering, and high-precision physical measurement. The data sets are conveniently compiled in the index, and this allows readers to view statistical approaches in a practical context.

Statistical Methods for Long Term Memory Processes also supplies S-PLUS programs for the major methods discussed. This feature allows the practitioner to apply long memory processes in daily data analysis. For newcomers to the area, the first three chapters provide the basic knowledge necessary for understanding the remainder of the material. To promote selective reading, the author presents the chapters independently. Combining essential methodologies with real-life applications, this outstanding volume is and indispensable reference for statisticians and scientists who analyze data with long-range dependence.

315 pages

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