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wydawnictwo: HBS , rok wydania 2005, wydanie I

cena netto: 115.00 Twoja cena  109,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Since the revolutionary Balanced Scorecard method (BSC; 1996; over 288,000 std) was introduced in 1996, the ability to manage and measure intangible assets has helped hundreds of organizations to improve overall performance and profits.

Mark Huselid and Brian Becker built on that model in 2001, when they introduced the HR Scorecard'a book that enabled HR professionals to measure the impact of their activities on bottom line results. That book became a bestseller, with nearly 67,000 copies sold to date. Now, these authors take the Balanced Scorecard model to the next level of performance management with The Workforce Scorecard. Based on extensive research, this book provides a management and measurement system'and a Workforce Scorecard tool'that identifies the drivers of workforce success and makes line managers and HR professionals jointly responsible for managing these drivers for improved strategic performance.

In a marketplace fueled by intangible assets, anything less than optimal workforce success can threaten a firm's survival. Yet in most organizations, employee performance is both poorly managed and underutilized.

The Workforce Scorecard argues that current management and human resource practices hinder employees' ability to contribute to strategic goals. To maximize the power of their workforce, organizations must meet three challenges: view their workforce in terms of contribution rather than cost; replace benchmarking metrics with measures that differentiate levels of strategic impact; and make line managers and HR professionals jointly responsible for executing workforce initiatives.

Building on the proven model outlined in their bestselling book The HR Scorecard, Mark Huselid, Brian Becker, and coauthor Richard Beatty show how to create a Workforce Scorecard that identifies and measures the behaviors, competencies, mind-set, and culture required for workforce success and reveals how each dimension impacts the bottom line.

Practical and timely, The Workforce Scorecard offers crucial lessons for leveraging human capital to achieve strategic success.

About Authors

Mark A. Huselid is Professor of Human Resource Management in the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University. Brian E. Becker is the Chairman of the Department of Organization and Human Resources at SUNY-Buffalo. Becker and Huselid are coauthors of The HR Scorecard (HBS Press, 2001).

Richard W. Beatty is a professor in the School of Management and Labor Relations at Rutgers University

288 pages

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