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wydawnictwo: DUKE , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 122.00 Twoja cena  115,90 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Table of Contents
Grassroots Globalization and the Research Imagination    1    
At the Edge of the World: Boundaries, Territoriality, and Sovereignty in Africa     22   
Mapping Concepts    52   
Present Pasts: Media, Politics, Amnesia    57   
On Foot    78   
On Wheels    81   
Toward an Ethics of the Future    90   
A Chinese Dream by Wang Jin    114   
Mediating Time: The "Rice Bowl of Youth" in Fin de Siecle Urban China     131   
Inside the Economy of Appearances    155   
A Sweet Lullaby for World Music    189   
On the Uddered Breast    217   
Prehistories of Globalization: Circassian Identity in Motion    220    
On the Predicament of the Sign: The Modern African Woman's Claim to Locality     251   
From National Capital to Global Capital: Urban Change in Mexico City    253    
Spatialities and Temporalities of the Global: Elements for a Theorization     260   
Globalizing the Regional, Regionalizing the Global: Mass Culture and Asianism in the Age of Late Capital    279   
The Paradoxical Invention of Economic Modernity    307   
Contributors    335   
Index    339

344 pages, Paperback

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