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wydawnictwo: CAMBRIDGE , rok wydania 2004, wydanie I

cena netto: 235.00 Twoja cena  223,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This is the first book to provide a systematic treatment of the economics of antitrust (or competition policy) in a global context. It draws on the literature of industrial organisation and on original analyses to deal with such important issues as cartels, joint-ventures, mergers, vertical contracts, predatory pricing, exclusionary practices, and price discrimination, and to formulate policy implications on these issues. The interaction between theory and practice is one of the main features of the book, which contains frequent references to competition policy cases and a few fully developed case studies. The treatment is written to appeal to practitioners and students, to lawyers and economists. It is not only a textbook in economics for first year graduate or advanced undergraduate courses, but also a book for all those who wish to understand competition issues in a clear and rigorous way. Exercises and some solved problems are provided.

Table of Contents
List of Figures       
List of Tables       
List of Abbreviations       
1    Competition Policy: History, Objectives, and the Law     1   
2    Market Power and Welfare: Introduction    39    
3    Market Definition and the Assessment of Market Power     101   
4    Collusion and Horizontal Agreements    137    
5    Horizontal Mergers    231   
6    Vertical Restraints and Vertical Mergers    302    
7    Predation, Monopolisation, and Other Abusive Practices     411   
8    A Toolkit: Game Theory and Imperfect Competition Models     533   
Bibliography    581   
References to Cases and Legislation    599   
Index    605

704 pages, Paperback

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