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wydawnictwo: TEN SPEED PRESS , rok wydania 2006, wydanie II

cena netto: 105.00 Twoja cena  99,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Thinkertoys expands your imaginative capacities with easy-to-use techniques you can employ again-and-again in all your creative endeavors. A newer book well worth reading is Why Didn't I Think of That? - Think the Unthinkable and Achieve Creative Greatness. These two books together cover the full spectrum of useful creative thinking skills every serious thinker must possess. The skills are learned, not inborn. The very best approach to fully developing the skills in yourself is to read about them and practice them with books such as Thinkertoys and Why Didn?t I Think of That?

Reviewer: A reader
Do yourself a favor: buy this book for yourself, your friends, and your family. Then if you get the chance, go to one of Mr. Michalko's speaking engagements! You will be miles ahead of the pack in your creative thinking skills! Then go buy a puzzle book by Terry Stickels called "Mind-Bending Puzzles - Volume 2 [ with a forward by Michalko}... then you'll be on your way to being a guru in both creative and critical thinking skills!!!!

It's rare to find a truly practical book, full of exercises to stimulate creative thinking and problem solving. Having used this book to lead small groups in problem-solving, and brainstorm techniques, I can say with confidence the exercises are intriguing, fun and effective. A great book.

389 pages

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