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wydawnictwo: AMACOM , rok wydania 2005, wydanie III

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Effective Succession Planning, 3rd edition

Ensuring Leadership Continuity and Building Talent from Within
By William J. Rothwell

The most admired book on systematic succession planning...now updated and expanded.

In the seminal first edition of Effective Succession Planning, William J. Rothwell warned that businesses that don’t take proactive steps to plan for future talent needs at all levels will face certain disruptions, and even disasters, when key employees retire or are lured away by competitors.

Since then, the landscape has become even more complicated. Many organizations have already felt the effects of an aging workforce as increasing numbers of experienced employees retire, taking with them not only the capacity to do the work but also the accumulated wisdom they have acquired over the years. This serious loss of valuable institutional memory has made it apparent that no organization can afford to be without a strong succession program.

Now in its third edition, Effective Succession Planning is still the most comprehensive and authoritative book on the subject. Updated and expanded to reflect the latest trends and best practices in succession management, the book presents strategies for creating a complete, systematic succession planning program. You’ll learn how to:

• Identify competencies and clarify values for both planning and managing a succession program.
• Plan for and quickly fill crucial vacancies at all levels from top management to sales, administrative, technical, and production positions.
• Develop and retain top talent, building and preserving your organization’s intellectual capital.
• Assess current needs and future resources for seamless succession planning.
• Use online and other technology tools to organize and implement succession planning and management programs.

This edition includes all-new material reflecting the author’s surveys on whole systems transformation; software support packages; tapping retirees to manage succession crises; and more. The book also features a new diagnostic tool to assess specific succession needs, plus illuminating case studies and a CD-ROM with worksheets, assessment tools, and training guides—everything your organization needs to create, sustain, and evaluate a strong succession planning program.

About the Author   

William J. Rothwell
is Professor in Charge of Workforce Education and Development on the University Park campus of The Pennsylvania State University, and an internationally respected authority on human resources issues. He is also president of Rothwell & Associates, Inc., a private consulting firm that specializes in all facets of succession planning, management, and related human resources issues. Well known for his extensive and high-profile work in succession management, he is a frequent speaker at conferences and seminars around the world. He is the author of Beyond Training and Development, The Workplace Learner, and dozens of other books. He lives in State College, Pennsylvania.


400 pages

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