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wydawnictwo: EUROPA , rok wydania 2001, wydanie VIII

cena netto: 745.00 Twoja cena  707,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book presents a systematic study of the law of bankers' commercial credits. The new edition of this reference has been revised and updatedby Richard King, Head of Chambers, UK. It brings together material relating to bankers' commercial credits which is to be found scattered throughout the various series of English law reports and provides a systematic study of the law relating to commercial credits as it is applied today. This new edition reflects the continued use of the documentary credit in the finance of foreign trade.

Presents a systematic study of the law of bankers' commercial credits.
Bringing together materials which are to be found scattered throughout the various series of English law reports, this title presents a systematic study of the law relating to commercial credits as applied today. It also contains a detailed exposition of the ICC's Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits.

Table of Contents
* Provides information on the mechanism, operation and types of credits
* Analyses in detail the contractual relationships arising out of issue of credits; the law and practice in relation to transfer of credits; jurisdiction and conflict of laws, etc.
* Details the ICC's Uniform Rules for Bank-to-Bank Reimbursements under Documentary Credits and the ICC's International Standby Practices, ISP98
* Assesses the impact of the Rome Convention and the Brussels and Lugano Conventions in relation to applicable law and jurisdiction.

422 pages

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