
BURNS A., BUSH R. wydawnictwo: PEARSON , rok wydania 2006, wydanie V cena netto: 330.00 Twoja cena 313,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka For the undergraduate Marketing Research course.
Marketing Research is the global leader in marketing research because it demonstrates how
to use statistical tools in an intuitive manner.
For the undergraduate Marketing Research course.
Marketing Research is the global leader in marketing research because it demonstrates how
to use statistical tools in an intuitive manner.
"Do you want your students to have the latest version (13.0) of SPSS? Do you find
that your students get bogged down with learning how to use SPSS?"
NEW! SPSS 13.0 Integration and full-color annotated screen captures. SPSS is the most
popular statistical software in the marketing research industry. Each copy of the fifth
edition includes a SPSS 13.0 CD and annotated screen captures that are thoroughly
integrated within the text. Additionally, output screens help students see what to look
for in analyzing data.
Benefit: Helps students use SPSS software without having techniques and details get in the
way of interpretation. Clearly demonstrates to the student 1) when a statistical tool is
needed, 2) which statistical to run, 3) how to run it and 4) how to interpret the output.
Example: Chapters 15-19.
SPSS Student Assistant. (available at www.prenhall.com/burnsbush)
Benefit: The Online SPSS Student Assistant tutorial teaches students how to use and
interpret SPSS. The videos show cursor movements and resulting SPSS operations and output.
Additionally, there is a test for each Student Assistant session so students may assess
their learning of the material.
"Would you like your students to experience the marketing research process and
understand the interrelationships in the steps in the research process?"
Integrated Case. The Hobbit's Choice Restaurant is an integrated case that makes learning
more efficient and enables students to understand the interrelationships in the steps in
the research process. It offers students a chance to experience the research process by
staying with the same material as they:
1) define the problem and research objectives
2) select a data collection method
3) apply measurement concepts
4) develop a questionnaire
5) make sampling decisions
6) analyze the data
Example: See Chapter 4 for the introduction to the case.
"Do you prefer a book that emphasizes what marketing research is and how to use
11-step Process Approach to Marketing Research. Discusses marketing research as a
step-by-step process.
Benefit: Aids by helping students learn the marketing research process. Students always
know where they are in terms of the overall research process and refer to this process
continually as they make their way through the text.
Example: See Chapter 3 for explanation of the 11 step process and "Where Are
We?" at the beginning of each chapter.
"Would you prefer a book that provides your students with updated information about
major changes going on in the industry?"
NEW! Marketing Research Association industry certification program for the Industry and
other current information from Industry Practitioners. This is the first text in marketing
research that addresses and provides information on the new industry certification
program. The adoption of a certification program by the Marketing Research Association,
represents a significant event in the marketing industry. Marketing Researchers will now
be able to be certified similar to CPA's or CFA's.
Benefit: Having students work on the same case material makes learning more efficient and
enables students to understand the interrelationships in the research process.
Feature: See Chapter 3 on Industry Certification.
"Would you prefer a marketing research text written from a manager's
Management Perspective Throughout. Throughout the text, a decision-making approach is
Benefit: Students are taught that managers must weigh the benefits of more information
with the cost of obtaining that information.
Example: Chapter 4 emphasizes the role of management being involved to define the research
problem properly.
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1 Introduction to Marketing Research
CHAPTER 2 The Marketing Research Process
CHAPTER 3 The Marketing Research Industry
CHAPTER 4 Defining the Problem and Determing Research Objectives
CHAPTER 5 Research Design
CHAPTER 6 Using Secondary Data and Online Information Databases
CHAPTER 7 Standardized Information Sources
CHAPTER 8 Observation, Focus Groups, and Other Qualitative Methods
CHAPTER 9 Survey Data Collection Methods
CHAPTER 10 Measurement in Marketing Research
CHAPTER 11 Designing The Questionnaire
CHAPTER 12 Determining How to Select the Sample
CHAPTER 13 Determining the Size of a Sample
CHAPTER 14 Data Collection in the Field, Nonresponse Error, and Questionnaire Screening
CHAPTER 15 Basic Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics
CHAPTER 16 Generalizing a Sample's Findings to Its Population and Testing Hypotheses about
Percents and Means
CHAPTER 17 Testing for Differences Between Two Groups or Among More Than Two Groups
CHAPTER 18 Determining and Interpreting Associations among Variables
CHAPTER 19 Regression Analysis in Marketing Research
CHAPTER 20 The Marketing Research Report: Preparation and Presentation
860 pages
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