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wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL , rok wydania 1992, wydanie I

cena netto: 210.00 Twoja cena  199,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The 1980s saw a massive increase in management initiated employment involvement (EI) schemes. Team briefing, quality groups and team working, for instance, have become established practice throughout the developed world as employers recognize the imporatnce of their workforce as a resource.

Managing the Team provides a comprehensive guide to the practice of employee involvement. As well as dealing with specific forms of EI, Marchington provides a framework within which the different EI initiatives can be located and makes use of case studies to illustrate best practice. These studies are drawn from a wide range of industries and sectors.

The book covers all major forms of EI, including:
written and face to face communications
problem solving techniques
task-based job redesign
representative participation
fnancial involvement

Managing the Team is a highly practical, up to date and comprehensive resource for all HR professionals.

Table of Contents
1    Employee Involvement and Human Resource Management    1    
2    The Nature of Employee Involvement    18    
3    Written and Audio-Visual Communications    34    
4    Face-to-Face Communications    57   
5    Involvement in Problem-Solving    81   
6    Job Redesign    105   
7    Joint Consultation    128   
8    Financial Involvement    151   
9    Conclusions    175   
Bibliography    189   
Index    199

208 pages, Paperback

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