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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 1998, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Law and Competition in Twentieth Century Europe - Protecting Prometheus


Protecting economic competition has become a major objective of government in Western Europe, and is playing a key role in European Integration. Competition law has, therefore, become a central part of economic and legal experience. This book examines European experience in protecting competition, analysing its dynamics, revealing its importance and highlighting the political and economic issues it raises.

Readership: This book will appeal to most legal scholars, particularly those in the fields of competition or anti-trust law, economic regulation, European law and comparative law. Historians studying the social, political and intellectual circumstances in Europe during this century will also be interested. Additionally the book will be of use to those involved in public decision-making about competition law as well as legal practitioners and business executives.


  • 1 Introduction
  • 2 Freedom, Law and Competition: The Nineteenth Century as Prelude
  • 3 Fin-de-Siecle Austria: Conceiving Competition Law
  • 4 Germany Before the First World War: Shaping the Discourse
  • 5 The Interwar Period: Competition Law Takes Root
  • 6 The Postwar Decades: Competition Law and Administrative Policy
  • 7 Ordoliberalism: A New Intellectual Framework for Competition Law
  • 8 Competition Law and Germany's Social Market Economy
  • 9 Competition Law and European Integration: The Competition Law of the European Union
  • 10 1986 and After: Competition Law, the Member States and European Union
  • 11 Law, Regulation and Competition: Europe and the Market
  • Bibliography
  • Index

470 pages

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