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wydawnictwo: FT/PH , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 223.00 Twoja cena  211,85 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Supply Chain Redesign: Transforming Supply Chains into Integrated Value Systems

Appropriate for courses in logistics, supply/value chains, or contemporary strategies for seeking competitive advantage.

In recent years, enterprises have recognized that supply chains exist to create customer value, and that customer value can be created throughout the supply chain. Supply Chain Redesign systematically introduces today's most important techniques, strategies, and tactics for optimizing supply chains. Two leading practitioners and business school faculty members identify key emerging trends and drivers in supply chain management; then show how to map existing supply chain networks, identify and integrate information flows within any organization, and discover the changes that will drive the greatest added value. They show how to enhance collaboration, integrating customers and suppliers to design products that support efficient supply chains; and how to make the most of strategic cost management techniques. Finally, drawing on their extensive consulting experience, as well as detailed case studies from GM and Nortel, the authors offer exceptional insight into key supply chain redesign success factors.

Table of Contents

1. Supply Chain Management: Transforming Supply Chains into Integrated "Value Systems" .

Defining Supply Chains. Increasing Customer Demands for Value Across the Supply Chain. Supply Chain Relationships. Information Systems and Supply Chain Management. A Process Model: SCM for Value System Creation. Change Management: The Challenge Facing Supply Chain Managers. Endnotes.

2. Understanding and Improving Supply Chains and Key Supply Chain Processes.

Introduction. Understanding Supply Chains through Process Mapping. Process Flow Charts. Internal Supply Chains. External Supply Chains. Benefits of Interorganizational Supply Chain Collaboration. The Importance of Time in Creating High-Performance Supply Chains. Opportunities for Cycle Time Reduction across the Supply Chain. Re-Engineering Supply Chain Logistics. Supply Chain Performance Measurement. Summing It Up: The Perfect Order Versus Total Cost. Summary. Endnotes.

3. Internal Integration Managing Information Flows within the Organization.

A Historical Perspective. Drivers of Supply Chain Systems and Applications. Internal and External Strategic Integration. Globalization of Markets. Availability of Powerful Information Systems and Technology. Enable New Business Processes. Replace Obsolete Systems. Strategic Cost Management. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). Implementing ERP Systems. ERP "Meltdowns" . Supply Chain ERP Modules. ERP and Data Warehouses. When Your Web Site is Not Aligned With Your Business Strategies. Decision Support Systems. Summary. Endnotes.

4. The Financial Impacts of SCM Finding the "Sweet Spot" .

Insourcing/Outsourcing: A Controversial Issue. Initiating the Insourcing/Outsourcing Decision. Understanding Your Core Competence. Technological Maturity. Understanding the Market. Insourcing Versus Outsourcing-Advantages/Disadvantages. Summary. Endnotes.

5. Creating Collaboration and Trust in the Supply Chain.

Roots of Supply Chain Relationship Management. A Conceptual Model of Alliance Development. Developing a Trusting Relationship with Supply Chain Partners. Challenges to Managing Supply Chain Relationships. Summary. Endnotes.

6. Customer/Supplier Integration into New Product Development.

Changes to the New Product Development Process. Supplier Integration Into New Product Development. Supplier Integration Approaches. Supplier Integration Into New Product Development Process Model. Assessing the Supplier's Technology Roadmap. Developing Suppliers Capabilities. Summary. Endnotes.

7. Strategic Cost Management in a Global Supply Chain.

The Financial Impacts of Supply Chain Management: Rolling Up the Numbers. Strategic Cost Management Initiatives Across the Supply Chain. Volume Leveraging and Cross Docking: Harvesting the Low-Hanging Fruit. Global Logistics and Material Positioning. Global Supplier Development. Target Pricing. The "Greening" of the Supply Chain: Life Cycle Costing, Re-Manufacturing, and Recycling. Cost Management Enablers. Endnotes.

8. Navigating the Business to Business (B2B) E-Commerce Landscape.

The Evolution of the Internet. Attributes of the Internet. The B2B Technology Landscape. Standards: The Basis for B2B Integration. The "Emerging" Standards. Which Standard Should Be Adopted? Looking Forward: Emerging Technologies. Problems With Implementing Standards. Endnotes.

9. Creating Information Visibility.

The Importance of Information in Supply Chains: Avoiding the Sting of the "Bullwhip" . Creating Information Visibility in Supply Chains. Information Visibility System Best Practices. Collaborative Planning, Forecasting, and Replenishment (CPFR). Collaborative Contract Management Visibility Systems. Deploying Information Visibility Systems: A Case Example. Conclusion. Endnotes.

10. Managing Change in the Supply Chain: Lessons from General Motors.

Managing Change in the Supply Chain. Radical Change Management: The Lopez Era. Changing the Purchasing Culture. Internal Integration of Supply Chain Functions. The New Era of Order to Delivery: Drivers for Change. Changing the Culture for Supply Chain Redesign. Future Challenges. Endnotes.
368 pages

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