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wydawnictwo: NORTON , rok wydania 2002, wydanie III

cena netto: 300.00 Twoja cena  285,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

For the Third Edition, 2001 Nobel laureate Joseph Stiglitz joins forces with new coauthor Carl Walsh, who brings both macroeconomic expertise and teaching savvy to the project. Together, Stiglitz and Walsh thoroughly integrate contemporary economics into the traditional curriculum. Since the publication of Economics, Second Edition, in 1997, the explosive development of information technologies has altered the economic landscape in important ways. In Economics, Third Edition, Stiglitz and Walsh embrace the information revolution as an opportunity to revitalize the presentation of economics by linking fundamental concepts and basic models to examples in the "new economy." Supplemented by powerful emedia offerings, outstanding ancillary resources, and comprehensive pedagogy, Economics, Third Edition, promises to be the most complete, authoritative principles package on the market.

View selected chapters, using Adobe Acrobat Reader:

Principles of Macroeconomics
• Chapter 6: The Full-Employment Model
• Chapter 10: Introduction to Macroeconomic Fluctuations
• Chapter 12: Aggregate Demand and Inflation

Principles of Microeconomics
• Chapter 1: Economics and the New Economy
• Chapter 4: Demand, Supply, and Price
• Chapter 11: Introduction to Imperfect Markets

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