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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 195.00 Twoja cena  185,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

If left unaddressed, issues of corporate communication can come back to haunt a company; when addressed, they can extend its success. Our hope is that you will use The Power of Corporate Communication as a field guide in building your company's reputation.
From Chapter One

Pick up a copy of today's Wall Street Journal, and odds are that you'll find a front-page story of a troubled company grappling with a highly public crisis. Now ask yourself: Could that situation have been alleviated - or even avoided completely - 'if executives in the corporation had practiced more effective communication?

In nine cases out of ten, the answer will be yes.

The Power of Corporate Communication outlines a program for creating a powerful, consistent corporate identity that will provide measurable long-term benefits and value to your organization. Written by two of the most influential pioneers in the study of corporate communication, this timely book reveals:

Techniques for being responsive - and effective - in communicating with all forms of media

The importance of strong employee communication programs in carrying out corporate strategy and mission

Methods for partnering with governments and communities

Strategies for communicating with analysts, investors, constituents, and other stakeholders

Steps for building corporate reputation

In today's media-saturated "Age of Transparency," network news programs, cable channels, advocacy groups, and chat rooms are constantly on the lookout for corporate slips and blunders. Scores of high-profile incidents reveal the harsh consequences to companies that fail to recognize the importance of effective corporate communication.

The Power of Corporate Communication shows you how to give your company's communication programs the weight they deserve. It will help you regain control of your public image, and craft a consistent corporate voice - one that will pay bottom-line dividends when the next corporate crisis hits.

Paul A. Argenti is Professor of Management and Corporate Communication at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College. Both The Wall Street Journal and L7S News & World Report have rated Professor Argenti's department number one in the nation. The author of numerous journal articles and books, including the groundbreaking text Corporate Communication, Professor Argenti has provided management and corporate communication consulting and training to organizations for more than 20 years.

Janis Forman, Ph.D., is founder and director of the Management Communication Program for UCLA's Anderson Graduate School of Management. Professor Forman is a distinguished senior consultant, educator, and speaker. Author of several books and many articles, she received the Association for Business Communication's researcher award for her extensive publication record and its impact on the profession.

294 pages

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