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wydawnictwo: HBSP , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 182.00 Twoja cena  172,90 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka


Inspired by Cairncross's most recent Economist survey, this bold book argues that we've grossly underestimated the power of the Internet to change the way companies behave. We stand at the brink of a period of fundamental organizational change from which will emerge a new type of company--one that will require a new set of leadership and management skills to run it. The Company of the Future asserts that managers and their companies must embrace and exploit the very technologies that have upended their jobs and their businesses. They must look inside--improving the relationships among managers and employees--before they can realize the enormous potential that new technologies hold for enabling collaboration with customers, suppliers, and partners. And they must learn to wed technological and human skills in ways that enable effective talent management and customer-relationship building, fast and flexible decision making, and open, credible communications among all partners. Setting the new agenda for managerial success, this insightful guide will help managers anticipate and master the challenges ahead in our networked world.

Subjects Covered:

Corporate culture, Executives, Human resources management, Information technology, Internet, Management development, Managers, Organizational behavior, Organizational behavior & leadership, Organizational development.


Preface and Acknowledgments vii Ten Rules for Survival xi

1 Management, Information, and Technology 1

2 Knowledge, Decision Making, and Innovation 23

3 Customers and Brands 47

4 Recruiting, Retaining, and Training 69

5 Communities and Corporate Culture 91

6 Purchasing 113

7 Strategic Suppliers 133

8 Corporate Structure 151

9 Leading and Managing 175

10 The Company of the Future 193

Notes 205 Index 219 About the Author 229


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