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wydawnictwo: JOSSEY-BASS , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 140.00 Twoja cena  133,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Fundraising experts know that successful direct mail requires a continual search for improvements in copy, package formats, and lists through trial-and-error testing. There is no doubt that testing - when done correctly - can raise more money for your organization. In Testing, Testing, 1,2,3 direct mail and fundraising expert Mal Warwick shows how the cumulative value of thoughtful, systematic testing can help your organization reach its direct mail fundraising goals. This reader-friendly guide will take you through each phase of the scientific process of discovering your organization's ideal combination of direct mail offer, package, and postage. Like Warwick's other, widely quoted books on fundraising, Testing, Testing, 1,2,3 is based on an abundance of real-world examples drawn from his more than two decades of experience in direct mail.

Consultant Mal Warwick is the founder or cofounder of four affiliated companies: Mal Warwick & Associates, Inc.; Share Group, Inc.; DONORDIGITAL.COM LLC; and Response Management Technologies, Inc. These companies provide a wide range of direct response fundraising and marketing services to nonprofit clients throughout North America. Warwick has taught fundraising techniques on five continents and is the author or editor of more than a dozen books on the topic of fundraising, including How to Write Successful Fundraising Letters.

Table of Contents

Perspectives and Tables.


The Author.

PART I: The Rules of the Road.

1. Testing, Testing, Testing - Until You're Blue in the Face.

2. The Initial Test Mailing.

3. What's Worth Testing (and What Isn't).

4. No Size Fits All.

5. What You See - Versus What You Get.

6. Tests or Rollouts?

7. Results Worth the Wait.

8. Reading Your Results.

9. Understanding Confidence Levels (Dan Suzio).

10. The Value of Guesswork.

11. Testing Tips from Major Mailers.

12. Testing Is Fundamental.

13. Comparing Costs.

PART II: Real-World Results.

14. Signatures.

15. Teasers.

16. Brochures.

17. Window Envelopes.

18. Mailing for the Environment (I).

19. Mailing for the Environment (II).

PART III: Testing in Action.

20. Inserts.

21. Postage.

22. Outer Envelopes.

23. Outer Envelope Teasers.

24. BREs.

25. Letter Length.

26. Gift Amounts.

27. Gift Strings.

28. Credit Card Options.

29. Miscellaneous Tests.

30. Spending Money to Raise Money.

Conclusion: Seven Guidelines for Successful Testing.


Recommended Reading.


250 pages

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