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wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 270.00 Twoja cena  256,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

In this volume, leading experts from the field of entrepreneurship explain how to identify entrepreneurial opportunities and how to exploit these opportunities in the context of today's turbulent and volatile business environment.

Michael A. Hitt is Weatherup / Overby Chair in Executive Leadership and Professor of Management at the College of Business Administration, Arizona State University. Recently, he has co-authored Mergers and Acquisitions: A Guide to Creating Value for Stakeholders (2001) and Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization (Fourth Edition, 2001). He is also the co-editor of many volumes, including The Handbook of Strategic Management (Blackwell Publishers, 2001) and 'Creating Value' (Blackwell Publishers, 2002). He is a Past President of the Academy of Management and has served as Editor of the Academy of Management Journal.

Raphael Amit is Robert B. Goergen Professor of Entrepreneurship at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania. He is a founding Director of the Wharton e-Business Initiative, a unique academic-industry partnership established to create e-business knowledge through the integration of state-of-the-art academic e-business research, e-business management practice and curriculum development. He serves on the editorial boards of Strategic Management Journal, Organization Science and the Journal of Business Venturing and was previously Associate Editor of Management Science.

Charles E. Lucier is Senior Vice-President and Chief Growth Officer of Booz Allen Hamilton. In his nineteen years at Booz Allen, he has assisted clients in developing and implementing corporate and business unit strategies. As Chief Growth Officer, he is a member of Booz Allen Leadership Teams responsible for the firm's innovation and marketing.

Robert D. Nixon holds the Fischer Family Chair in Family Entrepreneurship at the University of Louisville. He has co-edited Winning Strategies in a Deconstructing World (2000), Dynamic Strategic Resources: Development, Diffusion and Integration (1999), New Managerial Mindsets: Organizational Transformation and Strategy Implementation (1998) and Managing Strategically in an Interconnected World (1998). His extensive industrial experience encompasses work for international, high-technology firms and the founding and management of more than a dozen entrepreneurial firms.


List of Contributors

Part I: Wealth Creating Business Models and Identifying Opportunities

Part II: Exploiting Opportunities for Wealth Creation


269 pages

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