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wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2003, wydanie IV

cena netto: 270.00 Twoja cena  256,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Discussing the Revolution in Corporate Finance: The Stern Stewart Roundtables offers an insightful and thought-provoking discussion of key issues in corporate finance. The discussions are selected from the "Stern Stewart Roundtables," a popular recurring feature of the Bank of America journal of Applied Corporate Finance.

The roundtables feature CEOs, CFOs, and other prominent executives from major corporations discussing significant issues in corporate finance with notable academicians. The exchanges cover core topics such as; Market efficiency Corporate governance Corporate Strategy Risk management Corporate Restructuring Derivatives EVA Capital budgeting This collection is an excellent addition to any corporate finance course and will be especially welcomed by those already using The Revolution in Corporate Finance Third Edition by Joel M. Stern and Donald H. Chew, Jr.

Donald H. Chew, Jr. was a founding partner of Stern Stewart & co. and is Editor-in-chief of the Bank of America Journal of Applied Corporate Finance. He holds a Ph. D. in English and American Literature, as well as an MBA in Finance, from the University of Rochester.


Part I: How the Stock Market Values Companies

1. Relationship Investing and Shareholder Communications

2. A Look At the Lead Steer Investors

3. Volatility in U. S. and Japanese Stock Markets

Part II: Corporate Strategy

4. Global Competition in the 90s

5. Corporate Strategy in the '90s

Part III: Leverage and Corporate Restructuring

6. The Link Between Capital Structure and Shareholder Value

7. Selections From the Senate and House Hearings on LBOs and Corporate Debt

8. The Economic Consequences of High Leverage and Stock market Pressures On Corporate Management: Moderated

9. Bankruptcies, Workouts, and Turnarounds: Moderated

Part IV: EVA Corporate Governance, and management Incentives

10. Stern Stewart EVA Roundtable

11. EVA and Shareholder Value in Japan

12. Current Issues in Commercial Banking

13. Management Incentive Compensation and Shareholder Value

14. CEO Roundtable on Corporate Structure and Management Incentives

15. The Role of Corporate Boards in the 1990s

Part V: Risk Management and International Finance

16. Derivatives and Corporate Risk Management

17. Evaluating and Financing Foreign Direct Investment

18. U. S. Venture Capital and Innovation (With A Look at Eastern Europe)

631 pages

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