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wydawnictwo: BLACKWELL , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 195.00 Twoja cena  185,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book helps managers and students of management to makes sense of the competing advice on how to change organisations in order to improve their effectiveness.

Helps managers to understand how their organisations' performance could be improved.

Presents an overview of the advice on organisational improvement facing managers.

Classifies and evaluates various different approaches.

Highlights the relationships between strategy and capability.

Graeme Salaman is Professor of Organisation Studies, Director of the Business Studies programme, and Director of Programmes and Curriculum at the Open University Business School. He has written over 50 books and articles, including Human Resource Management: A Strategic Introduction (with John Storey and Chris Mabey, Blackwell Publishing, 1998) and Strategic Human Resource Management (1998). He has also worked as a consultant in eight countries for clients such as Sun Microsystems, Willis, BAT, Government of Ethiopia, Fujitsu, Allianz, Ernst and Young, Rolls ROyce, Morgan Stnaley.

David Asch is Pro Vice-Chancellor Strategic Management Planning and Resources at De Montfort University in Leicester. He has writtenover 50 articles and books, including New Economy, New Competition (2001), Managing Strategy (1996) and Financial Planning(1996). He has worked with the senior teams of a range of firms including Cornhill, Ernst and Young Fujitsu/ICL, and Sun Microsystems.


List of Figures
List of Tables

1. How Organizations are Changing and Why

2. The Model - Four Ways to Improve Organizational Performance

3. 'Fit'- Fitting Organizational Structures to Business Strategy

4. The Resource Based View of Strategy

5. Formulating Strategy

6. Developing Strategy

7. The Adaptive Organization

8. Summary and Conclusion


201 pages

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