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wydawnictwo: EUROMONEY , rok wydania 2003, wydanie VII

cena netto: 820.00 Twoja cena  779,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Now in its 8th edition, the International Telecoms Review 2003 is a guide to the international telecommunications industry. The Review provides an overview of aspects of finance, regulatory issues and technical developments within the telecoms industry.

Articles take a closer look at the global telecoms industry and modernisation of the EU and UK regulatory and competition environments. While a series of country reviews written by market leaders active within the region offer first-hand analysis of the marketplace. Countries covered include Finland, Mexico, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, Spain, and Switzerland.


The global telecoms industry - what happens now?

Modernisation of the EU and UK regulatory and competition environments

Finland's broadcast and telecommunications law convergence

Mexico's new proposed federal telecommunications law

Main aspects of the upcoming Norwegian legislation on electronic communication and related developments

Telecommunications regulation in Poland

An overview of telecommunications in Spain

Status and developments in Swiss telecommunnications law

40 pages

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