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wydawnictwo: EUROMONEY , rok wydania 2003, wydanie V

cena netto: 720.00 Twoja cena  684,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Now in its fifth year of publication, the introduction to this edition looks at issues such as the privatisation, financing and performance of airports in the wake of Sept 11th, and integrated planning for transport projects. In depth reviews assess current transport infrastructure and requirements, analyse significant recent projects and developments and highlight investment opportunities in countries such as South Africa, Brazil, South America, Poland, The Philippines, the UK, Portugal and Spain. In addition to this, sector reviews look at both regional and global trends in air, road and rail finance, and together with an extensive statistical appendix form an indispensable reference point.


Foreword: Privatising and financing transport systems, International Finance Corporation

Airport privatisation enters new era

Financing toll motorways in Portugal and Spain

Integrated planning for transport projects

Airport privatisation projects post September 11th

Airport privatisation and finance: An update

Streets ahead - PPP road schemes lead the way

Airport privatisation in Europe

Convergence of Europe's railways and the risk challenge

European airports show signs of recovery

Italy: The turning point for infrastructure financing

Overloading South African roads: A threat to investment

Brazilian sales tax and its effect on aircraft imports

South America: Integrating infrastructure

Financing the Polish Motorway Development Programme: An update

The Philippines: North Luzon Expressway

The South African transport sector - on the move

Case study: Leon-Astorga real toll road

It barks but will it bite? Competition law & the UK rail industry

Motorways in Poland: A legal overview

88 pages

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