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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 168.00 Twoja cena  159,60 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

"This is a very scholarly and well researched book.I think that its chief merits are its timing, the cogency and plausibility of its arguments, and - its delineation of an alternative to the suffocating hegemony of laissez-faire. For the last twenty years, neo-liberal arguments have won largely by default. Now at long last the ideological terrain is being contested"
Chartist Nov-Dec 1999

In Global Instability, internationally renowned contributors examine the key problems besetting the world economy and outline possible solutions.The book reviews:

- international economic institutions,

- the linked crises which recently hit Asian economies,

- the implications of globalisation,

- the role of multinational investment, the IMF and the World Bank.

This book is a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the contemporary economy written by leading authorities in the field.


List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
Preface and Acknowledgements, by the Editors
Introduction Jonathan Michie

Part I: The 1997-98 Asian Crisis

1. 'Asian Capitalism' and the Financial Crisis Ajit Singh

2. Rejection Exceptionalism: Reinterpreting the Asian financial crises Ilene Grabel

3. Stabilizing Capital Flows to Developing Countries Stephany Griffith-Jones with Jenny Klimmis

4. International Finance and Global Deflation: There is an alternative Thomas I. Palley

Part II: Global Instability

5. Creating International Credit Rules and the Multilateral Agreement on Investment: What are the alternatives? Elissa Brauenstein and Gerald Epstein

6. World Trade Liberalisation: National Autonomy and Gobal Regulation Avadhoot Nadkarni

7. What Role for the Tobin Tax in World Economic Governance? Philip Arestis and Malcolm Sawyer

Part III: A New Structure for International Payments

8. Transnational Rules for Transnational Corporations: What Next? Paz Estrella Tolentino

9. Will the Real IMF Please Stand Up: What does the Fund do and what should it do? Laurence Harris

10. A World Central Bank? John Smithin and Bernard M. Wolf

11. A New Bretton Woods: Reforming the Global Financial System John Grieve Smith

Name and Subject Index

260 pages

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