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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2004, wydanie III

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International Financial Management


The overriding objective of Eun and Resnick's International Financial Management, 3e is to teach students how to be effective global financial managers. The text covers the fundamentals of the macroeconomic environment of international financial management, discusses the financial environment in which the multinational firm and its managers must function, and covers foreign exchange management and financial management in a multinational firm.


All text examples and exhibits involving former European Union national currencies have been rewritten to reflect the new common Euro currency.

Internet relevance has been added to this book with URLs in the margin where appropriate, Internet problems at the end of each chapter, and Internet examples within the chapter where appropriate.

A new chapter, chapter 21, has been added on the topic of Corporate Governance, a recent "hot topic" in finance.

Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) questions have been added to the end of chapter material where appropriate.

There are now mini cases at the end of each chapter which help students apply knowledge to the real world.

Key content improvements include a thorough updating of all data: Chapter 3 - more coverage relating to balance of payment accounts and demand and supply of foreign currencies; Chapter 5 - more examples on international parity relationships; Chapter 6 -A new section detailing the Japanese banking crisis as well as an updated section on bank capital adequacy reflecting the New Basle Accord; Chapter 8- A new section on Global Registered Shares. There is also a thorough revision of The European Stock Market section; Chapter 12 - clearer coverage of management of economic exposure terms; Chapter 15 - contains coverage of cross-border Mergers and Acquisitions.

Thorough coverage of financial markets and financial management with the markets coverage presented early in the text - setting this text apart from the competition.

The text maintains its management focus and theoretical rigor, which means it fits well in elective and advanced undergraduate and graduate courses.

Chapter and sections are modular in nature, facilitating coverage of parts in different order to suit the needs of the adopter.

Supplemental topics, which can be skipped without loss of continuity, are clearly marked within the text. Selected end-of-chapter problems (set off by an icon) are keyed to this advanced material. However, much of the material has been streamlined into the main text to provide a more refined presentation of the related topics.

"International Finance in Practice" boxes from the popular press and actual companies show how the concepts being discussed are used in the real world.

Each chapter contains several numerical examples to more clearly explicate a concept.

BusinessWeek Edition. Your students can subscribe to 15 weeks of Business Week for a specially priced rate of $8.25 in addition to the price of the text. Students will receive a pass code card shrink-wrapped with their new text. The card directs students to a Website where they enter the code and then gain access to BusinessWeek's registration page to enter address info and set up their print and online subscription as well. Passcode ISBN 007-251530-9.

Wall Street Journal Edition. Your students can subscribe to the Wall Street Journal for 15 weeks at a specially priced rate of $20.00 in addition to the price of the text. Students will receive a "How To Use the WSJ" handbook plus a pass code card shrink-wrapped with the text. The card directs students to a Website where they enter the code and then gain access to the WSJ registration page to enter address info and set up their print and online subscription, and also set up their subscription to Dow Jones Interactive online for the span of the 15-week period. Passcode ISBN 007-251950-9.

Standard & Poor's Educational Version of Market Insight. McGraw-Hill/Irwin is proud to partner with Standard & Poor's to offer access to the Educational Version of Standard & Poor's Market Insight(c). This rich online resource provides six years of financial data for 100 top US companies. The password-protected Website is the perfect way to bring real data into today's classroom. This is free with selected McGraw-Hill titles, and is available for an extra $10 with additional titles. Contact your rep for more information or visit www.mhhe.com/edumarketinsight.

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Part One: Foundations of International Financial Management

CHAPTER 1: Globalization and the Multinational Firm

CHAPTER 2: International Monetary System

CHAPTER 3: Balance of Payments

CHAPTER 4: The Market for Foreign Exchange

CHAPTER 5: International Parity Relationships and Forecasting Foreign Exchange Rates

Part Two: World Financial Markets and Institutions

CHAPTER 6: International Banking and Money Market

CHAPTER 7: International Bond Market

CHAPTER 8: International Equity Markets

CHAPTER 9: Futures and Options on Foreign Exchange

CHAPTER 10: Currency and Interest Rate Swaps

CHAPTER 11: International Portfolio Investments

Part Three: Foreign Exchange Exposure and Management

CHAPTER 12: Management of Economic Exposure

CHAPTER 13: Management of Transaction Exposure

CHAPTER 14: Management of Translation Exposure

Part Four: Financial Management of the Multinational Firm

CHAPTER 15: Foreign Direct Investment

CHAPTER 16: International Capital Structure and the Cost of Capital

CHAPTER 17: International Capital Budgeting

CHAPTER 18: Multinational Cash Management

CHAPTER 19: Exports and Imports

CHAPTER 20: International Tax Environment

CHAPTER 21: Corporate Governance Around the World


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