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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 280.00 Twoja cena  266,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The most authoritative, comprehensive and up to date guide to all aspects of EU Law

Completely up to date, with coverage of the Treaty of Nice, secondary legislation, case law, and academic commentary

A complete text and case book in one - offering a unique mix of 50% text and 50% cases and materials


New tools in each chapter enable the reader to navigate the text more easily. Each chapter now includes: an opening section setting out the central issues of the chapter; summary sections throughout to capture the essence of the law under discussion in each section of the chapter; conclusions which draw together the themes and issues of the chapter as a whole

A new and enhanced text design further aids navigation and use of this new edition

A number of chapters have been broken down into two to aid readability and understanding

Paul Craig QC, Professor of English Law, St John's College, Oxford, and Grainne de Burca, Professor of European Union Law, European University Institute, Florence


1 The Development of European Integration

2 The Institutions

3 The Scope of Community Power: Instruments, Form and Legal Basis

4 Community Legislation and Policy-Making

5 The Nature and Effect of EC Law

6 The Application of EC Law: Remedies in National Courts

7 The Relationship Between EC Law: Direct and Indirect Effect

8 General Principles I: Fundamental Rights

9 General Principles II: Proportionality, Legitimate Expectations, Non-Discrimination and Transparency

10 Enforcement Actions against Member States

11 Preliminary Rulings and the Building of a European Judicial System

12 Review of Legality

13 Damages Actions and Money Claims

14 Free Movement of Goods: Duties, Charges and Taxes

15 Free Movement of Goods: Quantitative Restrictions

16 Free Movement of Captial and Economic and Monetary Union

17 Free Movement of Workers and Beyond

18 Freedom of Establishment and to Provide Services

19 The Public Policy, Security, and Health Derogations: Directive 64/221

20 Equal Treatment of Women and Men

21 Competition Law: Article 81 (ex 85)

22 Competition Law: Article 81 (Vertical Restraints)

23 Competition Law: Article 82 (ex 86)

24 Competition Law: Mergers

25 Competition: Enforcement and Procedure

26 Intellectual Property

27 The State and the Common Market

28 Completion of the Single Market

1388 pages

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