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wydawnictwo: POLICY PRESS , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Understanding the Finance of Welfare. What Welfare Costs and How to Pay for It
Howard Glennerster

"... a brilliant and lively textbook that students will enjoy. It makes the complex subject of financing welfare accessible to all those studying and working in the field."
Ian Shaw, School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Nottingham

How can society pay for high quality public welfare services such as health, education, social care and social security? This is perhaps the central political question in the UK today - one that this book sets out to answer. It challenges the belief that easy solutions lie either in extending private funding or taxing the rich.

Understanding the finance of welfare is a much needed and up-to-date text on a rapidly changing policy field. Howard Glennerster, author of Paying for welfare (Harvester, 1997), is the pre-eminent author in this field.

Understanding the finance of welfare:

- reviews the economic case for public social services, and examines the economic and political limits to taxation,

- analyses the limits to markets as a way of meeting basic human needs,

- explores in detail the practical ways in which hospitals, schools and other social agencies are funded. In each case the UK's position is contrasted with funding arrangements in other advanced economies,

- devotes a chapter to the theory and practice of rationing scarce resources and to the public expenditure process.


1. Meeting basic human needs: Summary; Basic human need; Someone has to pay; Need and the life cycle; The distinction between finance and provision; The social division of welfare; Choice and agency; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

2. Market failure and government failure: Summary; Why markets work - sometimes; Market failure; Government failure; Privatisation and quasi-markets; The voluntary sector and mutuality; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

3. How to pay for social programmes? The tax constraint: Summary; Consent; Improving the popularity of taxes; Equity; Efficiency; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

4. Financing healthcare: Summary; The cost of healthcare; How the NHS funds are allocated; Raising the money; Improving choice and efficiency; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

5. Financing social care: Summary; The cost of social care; How social care funds are allocated; Improving choice and efficiency; The spending on and organisation of social care in other countries; The funding and organisation of long-term care in the UK; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

6. Financing education: Summary; The cost of education; How education funds are allocated; Improving choice and efficiency; The finance of education in other countries; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

7. Financing income security: Summary; The state's role: income replacement or poverty relief?; The case for insurance markets; The cost of income maintenance; How social security funds are allocated in the UK; Improving choice and efficiency; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

8. Financing housing: Summary; Housing policy evolves; From producer subsidies to consumer subsidies; Rent control and regulation; The costs of housing; The organisation of state finance; Choice and efficiency; The finance of housing in other countries; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

9. Rationing scarce resources: managing rising expectations: Summary; Rationing; Containing public expenditure; Treasury control; Comprehensive plans; Self-imposed prudence; A more proactive role for the Treasury; Territorial rationing; The place of local authority spending; The Private Finance Initiative; The 2002 Comprehensive Spending Review; Overview; Questions for discussion; Further reading;

10. Do public services have a future?: Summary; Changing the tax structure; Stealth taxes and beneficial taxes; Charging; Selective universality; Squeezing more out of each pound spent; Whatever we do, it costs; Working longer; Vouchers and tax incentives; Tapping the willingness to pay; Overview: Dear Brutus; Questions for discussion; Further reading.

235 pages

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