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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2003, wydanie IV

cena netto: 235.00 Twoja cena  223,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Negotiation is a critical skill needed for effective management. NEGOTIATION: READINGS EXERCISES, AND CASES, 4/e, takes an experiential approach and explores the major concepts and theories of the psychology of bargaining and negotiation, and the dynamics of interpersonal and intergroup conflict and its resolution. It is relevant to a broad spectrum of management students, not only human resource management or industrial relations candidates.
Text will be updated with 56% new readings and 30% new exercises, cases, and questionnaires Exercises are streamlined and presented in a new format making it easier for the students to understand the concepts New readings in every section: new section focusing specifically on "applications" and new exercises on distributive and integrative negotiation, international negotiation, and multiparty deliberations Coordinated text and reader provides professors and students with a fully integrated learning system Easy to duplicate exercise material in the Instructors Manual More reproducible masters for debriefing each exercise and case discussion

Table of Contents
Section One: The Nature of Negotiation 1ˇ1 How to Get Them to Show You the Money by Alan M. Webber 1ˇ2 Three Approaches to Resolving Disputes by William L. Ury, Jeanne M. Brett, and Stephen B. Goldberg 1ˇ3 Consider Both Relationships and Substance When Negotiating Strategically by Grant T. Savage, John D. Blair, and Ritch L. Sorenson

Section Two: Prenegotiation Planning 2ˇ1 Preparing for Negotiations by Bill Scott 2ˇ2 The Negotiation Checklist by Tony Simons and Thomas M. Tripp 2ˇ3 The Right Game: Use Game Theory to Shape Strategy by Adam M. Brandenburger and Barry J. Nalebuff

Section Three: Strategy and Tactics of Distributive Bargaining 3ˇ1 Negotiation Techniques by Charles B. Craver 3ˇ2 Secrets of Power Negotiating by Roger Dawson 3ˇ3 Defusing the Exploding Offer: The Farpoint Gambit by Robert Robinson

Section Four: Strategy and Tactics of Integrative Negotiation 4ˇ1 Interest Based Negotiation: An Engine Driving Change by John R. Stepp, Kevin M. Sweeney, and Robert L. Johnson 4ˇ2 Step Into My Parlor: A Survey of Strategies and Techniques for Effective Negotiation by Terry Anderson 4ˇ3 Some Wise and Mistaken Assumptions about Conflict and Negotiation by Jeffrey Z. Rubin

Section Five: Communication and Cognitive Biases 5ˇ1 Negotiating Rationally: The Power and Impact of the Negotiator's Frame by Margaret A. Neale and Max H. Bazerman 5.2 How to Frame a Message by Jeffrey Z. Rubin 5ˇ3 Psychological Traps by Jeffrey Z. Rubin 5.4 The Behavior of Successful Negotiators by Neil Rackham Section Six: Finding Negotiation Leverage 6ˇ1 Where Does Power Come From? by Jeffrey Pfeffer 6ˇ2 How to Become an Influential Manager by Bernard Keys and Thomas Case 6ˇ3 Breakthrough Bargaining by Deborah M. Kolb and Judith Williams 6ˇ4 The Good Guy's Guide to Office Politics by Michael Warshaw

Section Seven: Ethics in Negotiation 7ˇ1 The Ethics and Profitability of Bluffing in Business by Richard E. Wokutch and Thomas L. Carson 7ˇ2 Ethics in Negotiation: Oil and Water or Good Lubrication? by H. Joseph Reitz, James A. Wall, Jr., and Mary Sue Love 7ˇ3 Deception and Mutual Gains Bargaining: Are They Mutually Exclusive? by Raymond A. Friedman and Debra L. Shapiro ,H2>

Section Eight: Social Context 8ˇ1 When Should We Use Agents? Direct versus Representative Negotiation by Jeffrey Z. Rubin and Frank E. A. Sander 8ˇ2 Negotiating in Long-term Mutually Interdependent Relationships among Relative Equals by Blair H. Sheppard 8ˇ3 Can We Negotiate and Still Be Friends? by Terri Kurtzburg and Victoria Medvec 8ˇ4 Whom Can You Trust? By Thomas A Stuart

Section Nine: Teams and Group Negotiations 9ˇ1 A Core Model of Negotiation by Thomas Colosi 9ˇ2 Reengineering Negotiations by Susan Doctoroff 9ˇ3 Get Things Done Through Coalitions by Margo Vanover

Section Ten: Individual Differences 10ˇ1 The Behavior of Successful Negotiators by Neil Rackham 10ˇ2 The Power of Talk by Deborah Tannen 10ˇ3 Are you Smart Enough to Keep Your Job? by Alan Farnham 10ˇ4 Should You Be a Negotiator? by Ray Friedman and Bruce Barry

Section Eleven: Global Negotiations 11ˇ1 International Negotiations: An Entirely Different Animal by Drew Martin, Jackie Mayfield, Milton Mayfield, and Paul Herbig 11ˇ2 Intercultural Negotiation in International Business by Jeswald W. Salacuse 11ˇ3 American Strengths and Weaknesses by Tommy T. B. Koh 11.4 Negotiating with Romans,
Part I by Stephen E. Weiss 11.5 Negotiating with Romans,
Part II by Stephen E. Weiss Section Twelve: Managing Difficult Negotiation Situations: Individual Approaches 12ˇ1 Negotiating with Problem People by Len Leritz 12ˇ2 Open Mouth-Close Career by Michael Warshaw 12ˇ3 Negotiating with a Customer You Can't Afford to Lose by Thomas C. Keiser Section Thirteen: Managing Difficult Negotiation Situations: Third-Party Approaches 13ˇ1 When and How to Use Third-Party Help by Roy J. Lewicki, Alexander Hiam, and Karen Wise Olander 13ˇ2 Mediator Attitudes Toward Outcomes: A Philosophical View by Kevin Gibson 13ˇ3 The Manager as the Third Party: Deciding How to Intervene in Employee Disputes by A.R. Elangovan Section Fourteen: Applications of Negotiation 14ˇ1 Bargaining Under the Influence: The Role of Alcohol in Negotiations by Maurice Schweitzer and Jeffrey L. Kerr 14ˇ2 She Stands on Common Ground by Jill Rosenfeld 14ˇ3 The Ultimate Guide to Internet Deals by Scott Kirsner Exercises 1. The Disarmament Exercise 2. Pemberton's Dilemma 3. The Commons Dilemma 4. The Used Car 5. Knight Engine/Excalibur Engine Parts 6. Gtechnica - AccellMedia 7. Univeral Company I 8. Universal Company II 9. Twin Lakes Mining Company 10. Salary Negotiations 11. Job Offer Negotiation: Joe Tech and Robust Routers 12. The Employee Exit Interview 13. Newtown School Dispute 14. Bestbooks/Paige Turner 15. Elmwood Hospital Dispute 16. The Power Game 17. Coalition Bargaining 18. Jordan Electronics Company 19. Third-Party Conflict Resolution 20. The Connecticut Valley School 21. Alpha-Beta 22. The New House Negotiation 23. Eurotechnologies, Inc. 24. The Pakastani Prunes 25. Planning for Negotiation 26. Sanibel Island 27. The Playground Negotiation 28. Collecting Nos 29. 500 English Sentences 30. Sick Leave 31. Town of Tamarack Cases 1. Capital Mortgage Insurance Corporation (A) 2. Pacific Oil Company (A) 3. The Ken Griffey, Jr. Negotiation 4. Collective Bargaining at Magic Carpet Airlines: A Union Perspective (A) 5. Vanessa Abrams (A) 6. 500 English Sentences 7. Sick Leave Questionnaires 1. The Personal Bargaining Inventory 2. The SINS II Scale 3. The Influence Tactics Inventory 4. The Trust Scale 5. Communication Competence

722 pages

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