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wydawnictwo: SPRINGER , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 440.00 Twoja cena  418,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Venture Capital. A Euro-System Approach covers a wide spectrum of topics: it investigates the way venture capital really works, the relations between venture capital, corporate banking and stock exchanges, market trends in Europe and the US, legal issues related to the creation of venture capital firms and closed end funds, and finally regulatory and economic policy issues. The book is based on a strong link between a rigorous methodological approach and real world best practices of venture capitalists thanks to a team of contributors formed by both academics and professionals of different fields (venture capitalists, financial analysts, regulators, stock exchange executives).
Written for: Researchers, private equity bankers, investment advisors, financial analysts, business lawyers, regulators


Venture Capital

Private Equity


Financing Policy

Stock exchange

Table of Contents


How Does a Venture Capitalist Work and Why is Venture Capital Necessary in Modern Economies?

Chapter 1 An Introduction to the Investment in New Ventures Edmondo Tudini

Chapter 2 A Broad Vision of the Investment Process in Venture Capital Renato Giovannini

Chapter 3 Funding Processes Manuela Geranio

Chapter 4 The Valuation of the Target Company Stefano Gatti

Chapter 5 Specialties in Managing Closed-End Funds Gino Gandolfi

Chapter 6 How Does a Venture Capital Work: Case 1 - Pino Ventures Sonia Deho' and Elserino Piol

Chapter 7 How Does a Venture Capital Work: Case 2 - Intervaluenet Claudio Scardovi


Venture Capital in the Financial System, Market Trends in Europe and the Relations With Banks and Stock Exchanges

Chapter 1 The Special Role of the Venture Capital Industry Stefano Caselli and Daniela Ventrone

Chapter 2 Competitive Models of Corporate Banking and Venture Capital Stefano Caselli

Chapter 3 Opportunities in the Quotation of Private Equity Companies Marina Maddaloni and Maria Pierdicchi

Chapter 4 The Venture Capital Industry in Europe: Trends and Figures Lucia Spotorno

PART 3 Venture Capital in Italy: Regulatory and Legal Issues

Chapter 1 Regulations and Supervision: The Role of Central Bank Anna Giuiusa

Chapter 2 The Constitution of a Venture Capital Company Vincenzo Capizzi

Chapter 3 Legal Issues for Italian Venture Capital Investment Schemes Enzo Schiavello and Jonathan de Lance Holmes

421 pages

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