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wydawnictwo: UTP , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 120.00 Twoja cena  114,00 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

New introduction by Paul Heyer and David Crowley

One of the most influential books ever published in Canada, The Bias of Communication has played a major part in reshaping our understanding of what constitutes history. It is a collection of essays by one of Canada's greatest historians, on a subject that opened broad new avenues of thought on the role of media in the creation of history. Marshall McLuhan, deeply influenced by these essays, led North America to a new awareness of the role of media in contemporary culture. The works of Harold Innis are seminal in the study of Canadian history; the essays in this volume continue to generate intense debate among historians, communications scholars, and media theorists.

This new edition includes a thoughtful introduction by two scholars who outline the career of Innis and the development of his ideas. They go on to elucidate the grand themes of the essays: a communicational approach to history, and a critical reflection on the situation of culture and technology in recent times. They identify in the essays all the concepts associated with Innis's communications work: medium, bias, monopoly of knowledge, empire, and especially the oral tradition. Finally, they assess the influence of the book on the study of communications theory and Canadian history.

Paul Heyer is a professor in the Department of Communication, Simon Fraser University. David Crowley is a professor in the Graduate Department in Communications, McGill University.

226 pages

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