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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1992, wydanie I

cena netto: 95.00 Twoja cena  90,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The End of History

'Three years ago an article entitled "The End of History?" ... sparked off an explosive debate about the future of the world in the post-Cold War era. In this book Fukuyama expands on his original themes to address some fundamental and far-reaching questions' - Malise Ruthven in the Guardian

'Francis Fukuyama contends that History, with its capital letter, is over ... Why? Because the winner is clear: liberalism and markets ... There is much to grumble about in Fukuyama's book, but it has a most respectable base in history and a good framework in philosophy ... I do not really believe in its End of History ... but Fukuyama makes me thinky; and I am grateful for that experience, rare in Legoland' Norman Stone in the Sunday Times

'With clarity and an astonishing sweep of reflection and imagination ... Fukuyama tells us where we were, where we are, and most important, speculates about where we will likely be' Allan Bloom, author of The Closing of the American Mind

'Fukuyama's claims, and his book, merit close attention ... His writing is bold and clear and it captures the prevailing spirit of our times' Steven Lukes in the New Statesman Sy Society

'Arms Western political thought with new fundamental theoretical arguments to reinforce its practical actions' Eduard Shevardnadze

'In the mastery and scope of its case, The End of History and the Last Man may be seen as the first book of the post-Marxist millennium - the first work fully to fathom the depth and range of the changes now sweeping through the world' George Gilder in the Washington Post

The cover shows the Muse of. History, a detail from Parnassus by Raphael in the Stanza delia Segnatura, Vatican, Rome (photo: Scaia)

416 pages

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