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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 145.00 Twoja cena  137,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

  • 'Clear writing style and concise arguments ... thought-provoking and extremely readable ... Whether you are a manager, an academic, or just an interested general reader, Creating Corporate Reputations will offer many new insights into the important role that corporate reputation plays in the success of business' -Academy of Management Executive
  • 'Well written and interesting. Dowling does an excellent job of explaining why managers should spend time and resources to develop the organizational reputation' -Academy of Management Executive
  • 'Dowling has created a book that is widely applicable to a variety of business situations. Creating Corporate Reputations will appeal to many business and nonprofit managerial audiences' -Academy of Management Executive
  • 'Dowling has written a book offering fresh and unique insights into how managers create value both for their organizations and for their stakeholders' -Academy of Management Executive

Corporate reputations are a valuable strategic asset for every company. Good reputations have been shown to help firms attain and sustain superior financial performance in their industry. This book outlines how high-status companies become corporate super brands, and it presents managers with a framework to enhance their corporation's desired reputation.

Readership: MBA students, graduates, and professionals in the areas of strategic marketing and corporate identity.



Part I: Corporate Reputations

1 Corporate Reputation Value: Good Really is Better Than Bad

2 Stakeholders: Each Group Holds a Different Image and Reputation

3 How Corporate Images are Formed: Identifying the Pieces of the Jigsaw Puzzle

Part II: Factors Which Affect Corporate Images

4 Vision and Mission: The Soul of Corporate Reputation

5 Formal Company Policies: The Guiding Hands

6 Organizational Culture: The Invisible Web

7 Corporate Communication: What to Say

8 Corporate Identity: What You See is Often Less Than What You Get

9 Country, Industry, Partner, and Brand Images: Leveraging Secondary Associations to Enhance a Corporate Image

Part III: Managing Corporate Images and Reputations

10 Measuring Images and Reputations: What Do Stakeholders Actually Think?

11 Managing and Changing Corporate Images: It Can be Done

12 The Crisis: Communication Strategies to Protect Desired Images and Reputations

13 Recap: Avoiding the Twelve Most Common Traps

298 pages

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