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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 605.00 Twoja cena  574,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book examines international and European protection of the right to strike. In particular, it focuses on the extent to which the International Labour Organisation, the Council of Europe and the European Union have set standards designed to protect those who organise or participate in industrial action.

In a time of controversy over the relevance and utility of industrial action, this book outlines the case for protection of a right to strike. It argues that such a right can be viewed as civil, political and socio-economic in nature, depending upon one's conception of 'good governance' and 'democratic participation' at the national level. This has consequences for what is perceived to be the appropriate scope of the right and the extent of any legitimate exceptions.

Readership: Academics and practitioners in the fields of labour law, international law, EU law, human rights law, international relations, European studies, political science, industrial relations and organisational sociology. Trade union officials both within the UK and in European and international trade union confederations.


1 Why Investigate Protection Of The Right To Strike?

2 Reasons For Legal Protection And Restriction Of Strikes

3 Inclusion Of The Right To Strike In International Instruments

4 The Ability Of Supervisory Bodies To Initiate Protection Of A Right To Strike

5 Jurisprudence Relating To The Scope Of The Right To Strike

6 Past Sources Of Divergence And Prospects For Future Developments

420 pages

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