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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2002, wydanie I

cena netto: 170.00 Twoja cena  161,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

With the introduction of euro notes and coins in 2002 and the prospect of a UK referendum on the single currency, questions about how Economic and Monetary Union is affecting European states will come ever closer to the centre of political debate right across Europe. This ground-breaking book brings together leading experts in the field to examine the nature of the effects of the euro on EU member states.

Readership: Scholars and students of European Union, Comparative Politics, Political Economy, Economics, Business, EU Law

Table of Contents

Kenneth Dyson: 1. Introduction: EMU as Integration, Europeanization and Convergence

1 European and Global Contexts

Geoffrey Underhill: 2. Global Integration, EMU, and Monetary Governance in the European Union: The Political Economy of the 'Stability Culture'

Wolfgang Wessels And Ingo Linsenmann: 3. EMU's Impact on National Institutions: Fusion towards an Economic Governance or Fragmentation?

David McKay: 4. The Political Economy of Fiscal Policy under Monetary Union

2 Domestic Political and Policy Contexts

Andrew Gamble And Gavin Kelly: 5. Britain and EMU

Martin Marcussen: 6. EMU: A Danish Delight and Dilemma

Dirigisme David Howarth: 7. The French State in the Euro-Zone; 'Modernization' and Legitimizing

Kenneth Dyson: 8. Germany and the Euro: Redefining EMU, Handling Paradox, and Managing Uncertainty and Contingency

Claudio Radaelli: 9. The Italian State and the Euro: Institutions, Discourse and Policy Regimes

Amy Verdun: 10. The Netherlands and EMU: A Small Open Economy in Search of Prosperity

3 Sectors, States and EMU

Michael Moran: 11. Politics, Banks and Financial Market Governance in the Euro-Zone

Colin Crouch: 12. The Euro and Labour Market and Wage Policies

Martin Rhodes: 13. Why EMU Is (or May Be) Good for European Welfare States

Kenneth Dyson: 14. Conclusion: European States and Euro Economic Governance

430 pages

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