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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 270.00 Twoja cena  256,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This is a comprehensive graduate textbook on International Trade. It surveys both the theoretical and empirical literature, and reports new results. International Trade addresses the need to synthesize and integrate the new advances in a field that has become a key element of policy discussions.

Readership: Graduate students and researchers in the field of international trade.

Table of Contents

Part I: International Trade Modeling

1 The Volume and Structure of Trade

2 Intra-Industry Trade

3 Trade Empirics

4 Geography and Location

5 Migration and Foreign Investment

6 Growth, Trade, and FDI

Part II: Stratetic Trade, Competition, and Environment

7 Competition and Rivalry

8 Strategies and the Mode of Competition

9 Trade under Asymmetric Information

Part III: Innovation, Skills, and Contracts

10 Innovation, Research, and Learning

11 Information and Moral Hazard

12 Networks and Outsourcing

Part IV: Liberalization, Protection, and Sanctions

13 Trade Liberalization and Protection

14 Dumping, Market Access, and Sanctions

Part V: Trade Politics and Regionalism

15 Trade Politics

16 Preferential Trade Arrangements

17 International Economic Politics

Part VI: WTO and International Cooperation

18 The Economics of the WTO

19 Cooperative Agreements

760 pages

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