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wydawnictwo: ROUTLADGE , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 150.00 Twoja cena  142,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Consumption, culture and marketing are the central phenomena of our day. This book reflects the growing interest in consumption and consumer culture in an increasing range of social science disciplines. It reflects the convergence of interest in these areas within the humanities, business and the social sciences. Consuming People looks at people in the act of consumption and consumed by the act of consumption. It examines the evolution of the concept and practice of consumption in modern history and its elevation to great significance in everyday life. The book combines academic analysis with a discussion of the possibilities for consuming people in the future. The authors provide insights into modernity and the contemporary condition that will appeal to a wide range of readers in many disciplines including sociologists, economists, anthropologists, Business scholars, historians, Gender and Woman's Studies scholars, and philosophers, among others. It will also interest the informed academic consumer.

Table of Contents:
1. The Consuming Society

2. Consumption Patterns

2.1 The core dimension

2.2 The growing trend in consumption patterns

3. Making of the Consumer

3.1 A common history of consumption and gender

3.2 The market and the public and private domains

4. Consumption in Modern Society

4.1 Need and wants: the classical model

4.2 Classical models of consumption

4.3 Deviations from the classical model

5. The Social Construction of Consumption Patterns in Modern Society

5.1 The structure of choice

5.2 Modern society

5.3 Economic hanges and growth of consumption

5.4 Modernity, materialism and industrialism

5.5 Consumption in capitalist market economies

5.6 The shapers of American consumption patterns

6. (Post)Modernity and Consumption

6.1 The waning modernity

6.2 Postmodernism and postmodernity

7. Postmodern Consumption

7.1 Consumption pattern changes in the transition period

7.2 Paradoxes of the transition period

7.3 Consumption in the postmodern era

7.4 Modern and postmodern consumption experiences

8. Global Consumption

8.1 The consumption connection

8.2 Global glue of consumption

8.3 Globalization of fragmentation

8.4 Culture consumed

8.5 Consumption, globalization and development

9. Consuming People

9.1 Modernity's legacy

9.2 Consumption and identity

9.3 From grand projects to incremental action

9.4 Consumption politics

9.5 Consumers as grassroots political force

10. The New Theater of Consumption

10.1 The ascent of consumption

10.2 Modern social formation

10.3 Erosion of the nation state

10.4 Fluid identity

10.5 Redefinitions of freedom

10.6 Modernity's last straws?

10.7 New possibilities

10.8 Theaters of consumption

194 pages

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