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wydawnictwo: ROUTLEDGE , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 125.00 Twoja cena  118,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

'A fascinating set of cameos of management's major figures that will be most useful for both students and teachers of the subject.' - Professor Malcolm Warner, Fellow of Wolfson College, Cambridge

Fifty Key Figures in Management is a collection of biographies of fifty people who have helped to make management what it is today, either through their ideas, writings and teachings, through practical example and leadership, or both. The book includes business leaders such as Henry Ford, Jack Welch and Bill Gates, all of whom were pioneers in business pratice. It also includes thinkers and consultants such as Ohmae Kenichi, Fukuzawa Yukichi, Tom Peters and Charles Handy who have helped to redefine the way we think about management. New and emerging aspects of management are covered through the inclusion of such cutting edge thinkers as Arie de Geus, Max Boisot and Nonaka Ikujiro.
Taken together, the fifty biographies presented here described how management emerged as a modern discipline and grew into its present form. Organisation, strategy, marketing, production management, human resource management and knowledge management all come together to show how management is a multi-faceted discipline.

Table of Contents:
1. Chris Argyris (1923 - )

2. Richard Arkwright (1732-92)

3. Charles Babbage (1792-1871)

4. Tomas Bat'a (1876-1932)

5. Max Boisot (1943-)

6. James Burnham (1905-87)

7. Edward Cadbury (1873-1948)

8. Herbert N. Casson (1869-1951)

9. Alfred D. Chandler (1918-)

10. Arie de Geus (1930-)

11. W. Edwards Deming (1900-93)

12. Peter Drucker (1909-)

13. Pierre du Pont (1870-1954)

14. Harrington Emerson (1853-1931)

15. Henri Fayol (1841-1925)

16. Mary Parker Follett (1868 - 1933)

17. Henry Ford (1863-1947)

18. Jay Wright Forrester (1918-)

19. Fukuzawa Yukichi (1835-1901)

20. Bill Gates (1955-)

21. Edwin Gay (1867-1946)

22. Frank Bunker Gilbreth (1868-1924) and Lillian Gilbreth (1878-1972)

23. Andrew Grove (1936-) 24. Charles Handy (1932-)

25. Henry J. Heinz (1844-1919) 26. Geert Hofstede (1928-)

27. Ibuka Masaru (1908-1997)

28. Philip Kotler (1931-)

29. Laozi (Lao Tzu) (6th century BC)

30. William Lever (1851-1925)

31. Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527)

32. Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)

33. Matsushita Konosuke (1884-1989)

34. Marshall McLuhan (1911-1980)

35. Cosimo dei Medici (1389-1464)

36. Henry Mintzberg (1939-)

37. James D. Mooney (1884-1957)

38. Gareth Morgan (1943-)

39. J.P.Morgan (1837-1913)

40. Nonaka Ikujiro (1935-)

41. Ohmae Kenichi (1943-)

42. Robert Owen (1771-1858)

43. Tom Peters (1942-)

44. Michael Porter (1947-)

45. Herbert Simon (1916-2001)

46. Sunzi (Sun Tzu) (c. 4th century BC)

47. Frederick Winslow Taylor (1856-1915)

48. Toyoda Kiichiro (1894-1952)

49. Lyndall Fownes Urwick (1891-1983)

50. Jack Welch (1935-)
Author Biography:
Morgen Witzel is a historian of management and writer on business, Editor in chief of Corporate Finance Review and Deputy Editor of Mastering Management Online.

318 pages

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