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wydawnictwo: OXFORD , rok wydania 2003, wydanie I

cena netto: 235.00 Twoja cena  223,25 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Clear introductory analysis of the business and management environment of the Asia Pacific region from the 'Asian miracle' through to the post-crisis recovery period

Country by country reviews of all the region's most important economies give the reader a clear and accessible overview of the the Asia Pacific business and management environment and of the specific situation pertaining in each country

Analysis of the social, cultural, and religious bases underpinning business culture in the Asia Pacific provides a fuller understanding of how business operates in the region and why it operates in the way it does

Strategies for doing business in Asia Pacific are backed up by a wide selection of in-depth case studies provide the reader with a practical guide to the challenges, problems, and opportunities for companies operating in the region

''a monumental scholarly effortthe book will serve as a benchmark in this new field for textbooks because it is so thorough and balanced in its critique. Ms El Kahal has avoided the common tendency of western appraisals of Asian business and society to denigrate the region for failing to conform to liberal economic and social practices.'' -Douglas Sikorski, School of Business, Business Link, Singapore

Business in Asia Pacific brings together an account of the Asia Pacific business environment with an analysis of management styles and decision-making techniques in the region. The book starts with an analysis of the Asian economic miracle and of the 1997 crisis, giving a country by country review of all the region's major economies in the aftermath of the crisis. El Kahal goes on to investigate the socio-cultural bases of the Asia Pacific management environment, focusing in particular on the cases of Japan, South Korea, and China, and looks at post-crisis strategies for companies doing business in Asia Pacific, using a wide selection of detailed case studies illustrating the experiences of a number of major multinationals doing business in the region.

Readership: Upper level undergraduate and postgraduate students taking courses on Asia Pacific Management, a popular option on Business and Management courses. Also managers involved in the Asia Pacific region

Table of Contents

Part I: Towards a Better Understanding of the Asian Crisis

1 The Roaring Tigers and the Asian Miracle

2 The Ailing Tigers: From Miracle to Crisis

3 Disciplining the Tigers: Globalization and the Crisis in Asia Pacific

4 The Business Environment of Asia Pacific Post-Crisis

5 Country Reviews

Part II: Asian Management: Theory and Practice

6 Culture and Business in Asia Pacific

7 Japanese Management

8 Korean Management

9 Chinese Management Part III: Strategic Planning for Asia Pacific after the Crisis

10 The Strategic Process

11 Post-Crisis Strategies for Asia Pacific

12 Methods of Entry into Asia Pacific Countries

13 Marketing in Asia Pacific, Post-Crisis

Part IV: Case Studies List of Case Studies

Wal-Mart Goes to Asia Pacific

Dell: Direct Selling in Asia Pacific Post-crisis

Nike: Ethical Dilemmas of FDI in Asia Pacific

An Emerging Regional Manufacturing Network in South-East Asia: The Case of Samsung

Matsushita: Putting the Employee First

Quality Circles at Land Rover: The UK Experience

Bad Luck or Bad Management? Peregrine and the Asian Financial Crisis

P. T. BIT: An Indonesian Textile Case Study

Coca-Cola Indo-China Pte. Ltd.

Telecommunications in Thailand: The Mobile Phone Sector

384 pages

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