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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 290.00 Twoja cena  275,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The Complete Arbitrage Deskbook

"Through the examination of actual examples and practical situations, the goal is to achieve an integrated view of arbitrage opportunities, precisely as a trader would see them..."

When used with skill and caution, equity arbitrage despite relentlessly negative press and widespread popular misconceptions is a very low-risk strategy. It only becomes perilous in the hands of the inexperienced or overconfident. The Complete Arbitrage Deskbook provides anyone from capital market professionals to private traders to non professionals with a serious interest in understanding Wall Street and its intricacies -with a safe, solid foundation in the essential knowledge of equity arbitrage trading.

Before you can successfully employ equity arbitrage in the marketplace, you must first develop a ..complete understanding of its mathematics and practice. The Complete Arbitrage Deskbook covers every aspect mechanics, opportunities, risks, and valuation principles to help you move forward with knowledge and confidence. In-depth descriptions and demonstrations of each pertinent financial instrument stocks, futures and other derivatives, money market instruments including interest rate swaps, and stock indices show you what you need to know to manage these and where to focus your attention in terms of risk management. Detailed sections provide hands-on information about:

Convergence continuums

Cross-exchange listing

Closed-end and convertible funds

Holding companies


Mark-to-market versus theoretical valuation

Valuation and random variables

Risk management principles and tools, including value-at-risk

Index arbitrage and absolute convergence

Risk arbitrage and explicit convergence

Pair trading and technical trading

Fallacies about what arbitrage is and is not are common among financial professionals. Concise yet comprehensive, The Complete Arbitrage Deskbook sidesteps fallacy to present fact. It is the only comprehensive overview of the opportunities and perils in the arbitrage markets and today's only complete overview and practical analysis of modern equity arbitrage.

About the Author

Stephane Reverre works for Leading Market Technologies, specializing in analytical tools for ' institutional investors. He is the former head of index arbitrage and quantitative trading for the Tokyo and later New York offices of Societe Generate, one of the largest French banks and a leader in the field of equity derivative trading. A graduate of Ecole Central in Paris as well as the Harvard Business School MBA program, Reverre has provided consulting services for software and :| trading companies and has published numerous '| articles on equity arbitrage in specialized magazines and publications.

508 pages

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