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wydawnictwo: MCGRAW-HILL , rok wydania 2001, wydanie I

cena netto: 210.00 Twoja cena  199,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

EVA and Value-Based Management

A Practical Guide to Implemantation

Managers even those from just a quarter century ago would have a difficult time recognizing today's business climate. In the new world order, companies must prove their worth in both commercial markets (making and selling the best products and ideas) and capital markets (creating value through optimal use of all available resources, all the time). Those that fall behind in either pursuit will find the climb to market leadership difficult if not impossible.

EVA and Value-Based Management is the first book to frankly and comprehensively discuss the pros and cons of Economic Value Added (EVA) and Value-Based Management (VBM) proven in numerous cases to increase shareholder value while strengthening organizations in which they are successfully implemented. Written by award-winning INSEAD professor S. David Young and leading management expert Stephen F. O'Byrne, this book covers both conceptual and implementation issues, placing a strong emphasis on performance measurement, value drivers, and management compensation.

Look to EVA and Value-Based Management for:

A clear explanation of the concepts behind EVA and VBM

A highly practical guide to implementing EVA for performance measurement and incentive compensation, with dozens of real-world examples

An honest assessment of the pros and cons of EVA and competing value-based approaches

A frank discussion of the company characteristics that help or hinder successful EVA implementation, helping you to decide whether EVA and VBM are right for your organization

Many prominent corporate leaders have long proclaimed and, even more significant, put to the real-world test the benefits of EVA. In EVA and Value-Based Management, management experts S. David Young and Stephen F. O'Byrne define and discuss EVA, then present a simple, easy-to-understand approach for determining how it will succeed in your organization. The result is an all-inclusive, no-holds-barred overview of value-based management and EVA and todays most valuable, practical guidebook for implementing a highly effective, performance-driven management program.

About the Authors

S. David Young, Ph.D., is a professor at INSEAD, one of the world's leading graduate business schools. A consultant on EVA and value-based management for several American, European, and Asian companies, Dr. Young's research has appeared in many academic and professional journals. He can be reached at david.young@insead.fr.

Stephen F. O'Byrne is president and co-founder of Shareholder Value Advisors Inc., a consulting firm that helps companies increase shareholder value through better performance measurement, incentive compensation, and valuation analysis. O'Byrne was formerly senior vice president at Stern Stewart & Co., and his articles have appeared in a wide variety of journals. He can be reached at sobyrne@valueadvisors.com.

492 pages

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