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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1999, wydanie VI

cena netto: 65.00 Twoja cena  61,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Comprehensive and fully updated, this invaluable reference work provides an informative guide to the world events and major figures of the twentieth century. This fifth edition continues to reflect the rapid pace of change in the world, with over 70 new entries and more than 240 revised entries. It provides concise information on:

- political, diplomatic, military, economic, social and religious affairs, extensively cross-referenced to related topics

- key personalities that have shaped the twentieth century

- the latest developments in countries around the world including the former Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, southern and central Africa

- topical subjects such as the expansion of the European Union, the revival of Islamic militancy, and the continuing troubles in the Middle East

'Global in span with illuminating explanations' The Times Educational Supplement

'Mr Palmer... compresses with such skill that he can get an intelligible account of two world wars into less than two pages' Economist

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