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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1991, wydanie V

cena netto: 58.00 Twoja cena  55,10 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

In 1936 John Maynard Keynes published The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, widely acknowledged to be one of the most important books on economics ever written.

Why was it so important? What did it say? How did it change things? Did the answer it provided to unemployment make inflation inevitable? Has Keynesianism been superseded by monetarism? How far do economic policies influence unemployment levels?

These issues are clearly discussed by Michael Stewart in this classic introduction to Keynes's work and ideas.

'A delightful and fascinating volume ... excellently written' - Roger Opie in the New Statesman

'This excellent jntroduction ... the author has achieved a greater degree of readability in dealing with inherently difficult problems than one would have thought possible' - Samuel Brittan in the Financial Times

'Remains the best non-technical introduction to Keynesian economics ... it would be hard to find a better written or more entertaining account' - The Good Book Guide to Business

3rd edition ISBN: 0-14-013651-7 240 pages

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