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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1999, wydanie II

cena netto: 88.00 Twoja cena  83,60 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

Voluntary, arts, housing and campaigning organizations and other professional groups are all part of Britain's expanding 'third sector' -non-profit-making organizations that are motivated by social rather than economic objectives. In this groundbreaking book, Mike Hudson, management consultant and founder of Compass Partnership, sets out the essential elements of management that are needed to make these organizations successful. Thoroughly revised and updated, and containing new chapters, this indispensable guide demonstrates how to:

- establish strong and suitably constituted boards

- strengthen strategic management and performance

- develop a mission and clarify objectives

- manage and inspire people, as individuals and teams

- create a learning organization

- manage change

'A timely analysis of the special needs and qualities of the sector, that holds lessons for commercial managers as well' Observer

The best book yet on managing not-for-profit organizations' Michael Brophy, Director of the Charities Aid Foundation

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