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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 65.00 Twoja cena  61,75 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

This book is intended for the general reader who may wish to know something about monetary questions at a time when they have become partieularly topical. The introduction of the Euro and the question of possible British membership naturally prompt questions about sterling and its history, for an understanding of sterling's role in the past may inform our judgement as we contemplate the future. Although the discerning reader may detect some clues as to the author's views on the Euro question, this book attempts to record the history of sterling dispassionately.

Writers of very recent history know well the danger that the turn of current events can suddenly transform situations before the ink on their work is dry. It therefore seems worthwhile recording that the main text of this book was completed late in 1998; that is to say, after the Far East and Russian crises, but before the peaceful launch of the Euro and the Brazilian devaluation.

I owe a particular debt of gratitude to my wife and children, who read each chapter as it was written, and whose comments made the text more readable than it would otherwise have been. A number of my colleagues at St Cross College, Oxford have helped, especially Tom Soper, Godfrey Tyier, and Chris Adam who saved me from error on various occasions; Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch first suggested I contact Simon Winder at Penguin, who, along with his whole editorial team, has been most helpful and efficient. My masters in the Ashmolean Museum allowed me nine months' study leave in which most of the book was written, and my friends in the Coin Room there have been talking to me about money for nearly thirty years.

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