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wydawnictwo: PENGUIN , rok wydania 1999, wydanie I

cena netto: 70.00 Twoja cena  66,50 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

In this timely, accessible book, Laurence G. Boldt applies ancient wisdom to modern life, presenting eight guiding principles from Taoist philosophy geared to help you make the practical life changes that will enable you to enjoy new levels of abundance in all areas of your life. With exercises designed to help you find a balance between societal demands and your own deepest desires, this helpful, inspiring book gives you the tools you need to chart your own path to total abundance.

the eight principles FOR abundant living

Recognizing the unity of all things starts you on the path to true abundance.

Learning to receive opens the door to your greatest good.

Following the path of least resistance brings success with ease.

Circulating the energy in your life strengthens health, deepens relationships, and generates wealth.

Honoring your innate dignity and actualizing your inborn abilities is the road to authentic power.

Balancing Yin and Yang eliminates stress and brings peace of mind.

Taking time to be, to grow, and A to nurture your relationships gives you the strength to persevere.

Achieving your destiny is a matter of trusting and embracing the organic pattern of your life.

"Boldt gives us the tools we need to live our passion, follow our true work, and make our living in harmony with

Our Spiritual path."

"Recommended reading for anyone searching for a personal definition of enough."

353 pages

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