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wydawnictwo: PRENTICE HALL , rok wydania 2002, wydanie II

cena netto: 156.00 Twoja cena  148,20 zł + 5% vat - dodaj do koszyka

The inefficient market makes many mistakes in pricing stocks. These mistakes result in tendencies. Stocks with particular characteristics tend to produce premium returns.

The market has a map with topography measured in expected return. There are places to go on that map that are evil. If you go there, you will underperform badly in the long run. There are good places, too. Go there and you will be rewarded.

In this book, you will learn how to measure the payoffs to stock characteristics (factors). My book The New Finance: The Case for an Over-reactive Stock Market22 is about the positive payoff to cheapness. In this book, we will reconfirm the critical importance of cheapness. However, we will also discuss, among other things, the payoffs to risk, liquidity, profitability, and a stock's performance in past periods.

And, in the tradition of The New Finance, we shall seek reasonable explanations for these payoffs. Some of these explanations are consistent with rational behavior. However, the contractual environment in which this behavior takes place is, itself, irrational, creating agency problems that induce the behavior. Some payoffs are rooted in purely irrational human behavior. For these, we look toward the field of psychology.

You will also discover a new kind of stock.

You've probably heard of growth stocks and value stocks. Both reside at different places on the market's map. But there are other places on the map where few have ever gone.

Such as the land of Super Stocks.

A Super Stock portfolio has the following characteristics: The companies in the portfolio are, on average, big, liquid, and well-known. They have low risk, and they are financially sound. They are highly profitable in all dimensions. And while they have had strong relative performance over the past year, they are still selling at dirt-cheap prices relative to their cash flow, earnings, and dividends.

This is a dream profile. It is the profile of a portfolio that can be expected to produce the best returns in the future.

No individual stock has the complete profile. If a stock were complete, the inefficient market would price it up until it was expensive rather than cheap.

Nevertheless, it is easy to construct a complete portfolio by assembling incomplete stocks that have components of the complete profile.

Want to learn how to build such a portfolio?

Want to learn what pays off and why?

Keep reading.

137 STR.

ISBN 0-13-032366-7

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